20 Reasons to Love Lee Adama: A Picspam

Feb 15, 2009 23:00

I'll admit it. I have massive Lee!Love. But I can't just love a thing without a reason, so I sat down tonight and counted the many ways I love Lee. Here are twenty (there would be more, but I do have to sleep at some point). Enjoy!

1. He steps up when he needs to, but he's not a megalomaniac. From acting CAG of Galactica to Commander of Pegasus to the Quorum, Lee hasn't gone out of his way to acquire positions of power, but he has exercised the authority he has been given judiciously and effectively.

2. He's willing to look outside the box. He may not live there like Starbuck, but he can entertain ideas that aren't necessarily popular. He read Zarek's book even though it was banned, and he thought it had merit.

3. He gets the job done.

4. He knows that for family, you break the rules.

5. Lee just wants everybody to do the right thing.

6. But he can roll the hard six when he needs to.

7. He's crafty like a fox when he wants to be: (1) committing Laura Roslin to elections she would have held anyway to pacify Zarek; (2) going through the tunnel in Hand of God; (3) using an EMP to trick the Cylons in the Miniseries; (4) planting the cocktail in Sacrifice.

8. As difficult as it can be to get over family issues, Lee and Bill have done just that. They've come a very long way, and that took hard work from both of them.

9. He may not be Kara, but he can play Bad Cop with the best of them:

10. He's got a lot of heart, and he wears it on his sleeve. That's a good quality, especially in a leader. Connecting with the people you're leading, not losing sight of the reality that they are people with hopes and fears and dreams and families and friends and pets (if you're Romo Lampkin, anyway)-- that's something a good leader doesn't forget, because when they do, they start loving the power more than the reason they have it, which is to protect those people.

11. When Lee Adama loves you, there are no takebacks.

12. Lee can handle a lot, but there comes a point when he doesn't take shit from you anymore.

13. He's comfortable acting like an idiot in front of his co-workers.

14. He uses words like "temerity."

15. He can be all serious business:

16. Or he can be playful:

17. His name is perfect for converting to an adverb*. For example:






18. He's a badass Viper pilot.

19. The universe is, as leiascully has described it, constantly playing a giant game of Whack-a-Lee (he grew up with an alcoholic bipolar mother and a younger sibling to whom he felt a duty to shield from her, he screwed up and freaked out and left his pregnant fiancee on Caprica and never got to apologize because the worlds ended, the worlds ended, he fell in love with his brother's girl who is still grieving and guilty over losing Zak, he nearly died when he got spaced, he nearly died when he was garroted by black market thugs, he is trying to do what he thinks is the right thing in upholding the legitimacy of the civilian government and in so doing is arrested and then has to watch his father get almost fatally shot right in front of him, he nearly died when that girl he is in love with accidentally shot him, he finally got the girl he's madly in love with to admit-- loudly -- that she loves him, whereupon she promptly left him and married someone else, he had to leave the girl he was madly in love with and married to someone else-- while he was also married to someone else-- on a shitty third-rate planet with Cylon overlords, he gets another chance with the girl he was madly in love with and screws up his already frakked-up marriage, the girl he was madly in love with died horribly and then came back from the dead, he resigns from the military in the pursuit of justice and his wife leaves him after they've maybe fixed things, the planet they've been working so hard to find is radioactive, he tries to patch things up with his ex-wife only to have her kill herself immediately afterwards, &c.) and in spite of all those terrible things, he still gets up every day and tries to do the right thing. He still has faith in people. He doesn't complain half as much as he could. I'd want to kill everyone if it were me. He doesn't.

20. Dude, he's fuckin' smokin' hot, okay?

I rest my case.

*ETA: I have decided to call them Ad(ama)verbs.

Mad love to leiascully and queenzulu, who were both kind enough to shepherd me through this, my first picspam. I hope you loved it.

lee adama, fangirl

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