So.. the first post of 2012! This space is officially 6 years old - how mindblowing. I've been neglecting livejournal for a bit.. wanted to write something for a long time, but these few days I think I have so much on my mind that when I think about putting things down in words I get a headache. Same has been happening with regards to writing in my paper journal.
Anyway, I thank God for bringing through almost half a year of work already. It's been a real period of learning, both in terms of actual work, and working with other people. I always thank God for providing this job, and seeing articles in print always gives me joy. It hasn't always been easy, but now I really cherish the little pockets of time I have to really do the things I want to do. It is in those times where I really feel a sense of liberation. Things like reading a book to completion, watching Dr Who/ Sherlock, having a nice meal with friends, tumbling through tumblr, thinking of new things I could start doing/ learning (I really want to continue with learning Japanese!), youtubing.. have really become much more enjoyable because time is so precious.
I read a book called The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen recently, and there were some things in the book that really impacted me. It's a Christian book about how we can minister to others and show them love through our own hurts and experiences. There was one passage that he wrote that I really want to live out. Nouwen talks about how being alive means being loved and we as human beings need to be anchored in the knowledge that we are loved and given life by God. When we are secure in our identity in God, we can in turn learn to love others.
He then says that:
"And when we have finally found the anchor place for our lives within our own center, we can be free to let others enter into the space created for them, and allow them to dance their own dance, sing their own song, and speak their own language without fear. Then our presence is no longer threatening and demanding, but inviting and liberating."
I guess we are all in need of a space where we can truly be ourselves without feeling fearful of what others think of us (without being self-absorbed and obnoxious, that is). There are times where I feel like the oddball, and uncomfortably so. I guess we all have different personalities and experiences that sometimes cause it to be difficult to clique with certain people. I am one of those who actually feels terrified of certain personality types. But in any case, as much as I want to "dance my own dance" without fear, I hope that I can help others to do so too.