i haven't posted one of those in a while, and tonight we had really dramatic clouds, so i took a pic.
in other news, today felt like a total waste of time--just a bunch of meetings and office hours that no one came to, even though students have papers due tomorrow. more of the same follows tomorrow, boo. at least i got my christmas flight sorted out, and at a decent price, at that. the first option they found for me would have invovled flying via reykjavik and stockholm. while that's kind of exciting, it's also tedious. i was happier to take the standard lufthansa flight via frankfurt they found a little later. i really want to book my flight for lumos, too. i know that it's crazy early for that, but i just want to have everything in place.
oh, and i may or may not be writing h/d crackfic involving jason priestley, an airplane, and much jealousy.