BEST OF 2011

May 01, 2011 14:33

BEST OF 2011
not a scrapbook, just so you know


Not even an AS stan but I ADORE THIS TO PIECES. I am extremely taken back by this album, it shows how much of a potential these girls have and how unique they can be. This album isn’t perfect, not at all but instead, it’s fills with all these little flaws that I have come to enjoy. First of all, the fact that this album in no way gives of the usual sexy kind of feeling that they displays in their previous comebacks, really surprised me. It’s very sophisticated, girly and cute even which fits perfectly into the spring season. It’s not Orange Caramel cute but teen, innocent cute. Every girl should take a listen to this album, doesn’t matter how old you are or if you can’t understand the language, the album clearly defines a girl’s heart from harmless crushes to broken heart. Play Ur Love, Shampoo and Raina’s Solo - 시간에 기대어 are in my opinion, the best songs on the album


I’m sorry…I’m just biased. I haven’t got much to say about this album. The fact that I only see 2 on stage and only hear 2 in the songs are very odd, it feels empty and it will take me quite the time to get uses to it considering that some point, I hear Yoochun, Junsu & Jaejoong singing /delusional fangirl is forever delusional. I enjoy listening to all DBSK’s album really, from Tri-Angle to Mirotic and this is exactly what I expected from them. I don’t expect it to be as good as their previous album but still, I consider it a very good k-pop album. Changmin and Yunho’s solo songs are great, even though I laughed at the title - Honey Funny Bunny…? Like really, SM really. Despite that songs like Rumours, She which I’m helplessly in love with, Our Game and Before You Go are really impressive and is often on replay for me. I am looking forward to the next album from these two cause I think it will be much better.

The girl is just amazing in every ways and I believe that everything she sings is flawless. There are lots of idols who sings very well but only very few that can display such emotions in the song. In her case, I think she’s not at that point but when I see her sing, it’s clear to me that she pours her heart in to it. I loved ‘You And I’ so much when it first came out, the performances and MV made me love it even more. In ‘Don’t Cry’ case, I didn’t like it immediately. To me, it sounded too much like ‘You And I’ and even gave off the same feel. After a couple of replays though, it turned out that I love it even more than her previous songs (the one with Big Bang & Lexy too), the piano at the start is beautiful and the lyrics fits into the feel of the song perfection. And kudos to YG for no auto tune!

The man is flawless, all his albums are flawless, his singing is flawless and the only unflawless about this is perhaps the album cover that an LJ graphic maker can do so much better than. I actually can’t really say bad things about this album - Let's Dance EP, except maybe how much I dislike the title track - Let’s Dance. Either than that, all the songs are great and so much variety in this album it’s mind blowing. I think some people might misunderstand that he’s like Tim (who by the way, I stan sfm) and sings full on tear jerking ballad. Yes, he sure sings lots of ballads but a very modern kind. He’s been gone for such a long time that I thought his album was gonna sound like 2005 ballad songs but fortunately, all the songs sounds so modern and crisp. Gonna continue to love this man and his flawless of songs forever. Why Love is the best song and the part to anticipate is when he sings the five high notes, extremely mind blowing.

I did not think, she was ever gonna get this big when she first debut. I liked her ever since Mia really but I never expected in my life time that she was gonna end up in so many CF and shows after only so little time. It’s always extremely hard for female solo artists to rise to the top and win a mutizen, her case is very rare but she deserves it. Real isn’t her best work in my opinion but Good Day did the job and won her heaps of award. It’s a very easy to listen mini album and songs like Good Day, 느리게 하는 일 and 혼자 있는 방 are very catchy songs that I listened to countless times since released.


So My Princess….I know, it’s not the most mind bending drama and it’s predictable as hell but still, this has got to be one of my fave k-dramas of all time. I watched this at the start mainly due to my bias of Kim Tae Hee and Song Seung Hun (ideal man after Changmin lol), I didn’t expect much but just the fact that putting my 2 biases together make them the ultimate good looking people. The plot line is very shallow and it’s nothing special at all, it’s so similar to Goong too. But I’m a sucker for really light and fluffy drama so I enjoyed this very much and even though I knew since the second episode they were definitely going to end up together and nobody was gonna die, this drama is still incredibly enjoyable to watch. So every wed and Thurs night, I sit in front of my computer with a bowl of kimchi soup and smile until my cheek hurts for one hour. Besides Lee Seol is an adorable character and these two actors should just get married, they can’t lie the love is already blooming lol ^_^

Mary Stayed Out All Night or Marry me, Mary!, in my opinion is an odd drama. It has a cast like Jang Geun Seuk & Moon Geun Young but fail to receive high rating which I still don’t get why but I weirdly enjoy this drama despite my teensy dislike for Jang Geun Seuk. I must admit that the plot is very original; I don’t see rockers love story flying around all the time so I considered this fresh and new. The drama is a train wreck so many conflicts for me to count, some is enjoyable, too much gives me headache. To why I continued to watch this is probably because I fell in love with the OTP since their first scene together, after that it became highly addictive and the ending was worth all the torture to get there.


f(x) winning their first K-Chart on Music Bank

That took long enough…./sigh

Changmin/Yoona’s first tumblr blog and the influx of fics with this pairing in it

….self explanatory, it’s ChangNa and as if, you haven’t seen this coming. Nikka (aoza) would have done this sooner or later anyway.
P.S. click on the pic to get to the amazing/gorgeous/prettiest blog :D hope you don’t mind me, doing this Nikka

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