Sep 17, 2009 16:16
ever since i been back, i can't say that i've the BEST TIME ever. things have been pretty smooth for the most part except for a few minor annoyances with my team.
lately i have been so angry and at just about everything. i dont know what is wrong with me..
I feel like im constatnly ignored and can't ever do what i want when i want.
Its just that i dont have car. there are places to see, people to meet in houston for crying out loud!
there are days when i want to immerse myself in the culture-music scene, food, festivals taking place in the city. BUT I CANT because i dont have a ride and nobody else is up for the adventure because (a) theyre busy or (b) are not that interested in the event...
so whats a to do?
it was so depressing. last weekend i did nothing at all. my mom is like "get out, go do something"--well i cant esp. when everyone who has a car goes home for the weekend or is doing something stupid (like going to bed at 9pm)wtf?
this is probably the main reason that my team is getting on my nerves. I need to meet new people. i'm sick of always going and doing and talking about the same things.
I joined the student nutrition association and can say that there are some really nice and interesting people that i really want to commit myself to this organization. I want to show that im more than an athlete and put myself out there.