29 NIMUE SMIT ICONS. credit and comment if you're taking, please! and please remember to REHOST. my photobucket can only take so much strain <3 sample:
53 LEA SEYDOUX ICONS. fourth installment in the francophone icon pack that was requested <3 credit and comment if you're taking, please! and please remember to REHOST. my photobucket can only take so much strain <3 sample:
49 SIGRID AGREN ICONS. third installment in the francophone icon pack that was requested <3 credit and comment if you're taking, please! and please remember to REHOST. my photobucket can only take so much strain <3 sample:
60 LOUIS GARREL ICONS. second installment in the francophone icon pack that was requested <3 credit and comment if you're taking, please! and please remember to REHOST. my photobucket can only take so much strain <3 sample:
here's the icon pack requested by ruthlessbliss on tumblr. <3 credit to haffalump at tumblr or coffee_shot at lj if using. comments are more than welcome!<3
here's the icon pack requested by accioeverdeen on tumblr. <3 credit to conqueredrome at tumblr or coffee_shot at lj if using. comments are more than welcome!<3
here's the icon pack requested by delacours on tumblr. <3 credit to conqueredrome at tumblr or coffee_shot at lj if using. comments are more than welcome!<3