Today we’re making this icon: (as requested by Stef)
Warning: This tutorial is a ~little layer intensive.
step one: prepping the base
I always prep my bases to make them look their best. For this, I started with a base layer and duplicated this twice. On the first duplicate I set it to soft light and sharpened it once, and on the second I set it to screen on 14% opacity, so I ended up with this!
step two: coloring
1. Colour layer, #EEE7DB, multiply, 100%.
2. Colour layer, # 0A0000, exclusion, 100%.
3. Curves layer.
point one:
input: 83
output: 105
point two:
input: 134
output: 170
like so
4. Selective colour layer one.
reds: 0 0 -9 21
neutrals: 0 0 +4 0
5. Brightness/Contrast layer
Brightness: -5
Contrast: 0
6. Colour layer, # A8A16D, soft light, 16%.
7. Take this texture and put it onto soft light, 100%.
You should now have something like this
8. Take this texture and put it on soft light, 100% opacity.
9. Take this texture and put it on soft light, 11% opacity.
10. Take this texture and put it on soft light, 100% opacity.
11. Colour layer, #130101, soft light, 41%.
12. Selective colour layer
Reds: 0 0 -9 +28
Neutrals: 0 +3 -4 +9
Blacks: 0 0 0 +19
13. Brightness/Contrast layer
Brightness: -+4
Contrast: 0
And you should end up with this:
Any questions or comments, please post them! <3 also used for all of
these icons. ^^ textures all found at the lj community texturize. (: