Aug 15, 2007 23:36
Well well well, we meet again.
I just finished watching Casablanca. I don't know how many times I've seen it, it's amazing every time. Nothing compares to the scene where Victor Laszlo leads the restaurant in La Marseillaise, or Rick alone in the restaurant after seeing Ilsa again. If there is anyway that you have not seen this movie, you need to see it now. It's not too late. Anyways, that is out of the way.
The title of this post would indicate that I have some big news. If you are reading this on facebook, there is no doubt that you also noticed my employment updates. I had applied for a full time, salaried job at James Island County Park last week. I found out monday that I was chosen from among the other applicants. This is big news, since now I can start saving up money and stuff to actually start my life eventually, but more importantly, pay off some of my debt that I'm currently in. Luckily it's not too bad, so I can take care of it pretty easily. And hopefully I'll save up enough to not have to be in this situation again. Either way it's good news. I feel like an adult now. The job itself seems like it'll be a bit of a challenge, not in actually doing it. I have no doubt that I'm going to do really well at JICP. The challenge is going to be leaving Wannamaker. I really do feel like part of a family there. But the odds of me coming back to wannamaker, if the employment trend of those who leave wannamaker to be full time is any indication, are pretty good.
I start at James Island sometime soon, as soon as they no longer need me at Wannamaker. That shouldn't be too far off. I start classes at Trident on Monday. I am definitely looking forward to it. Paralegaling should be fun! no? we'll see, I suppose.
I just got a weird desire to be on the bus...going somewhere. The where doesn't matter, but I just got this weird feeling of seeing down the aisle of the bus, all the legs and arms breeching the walkspace as everyone tries to get comfortable enough to sleep. I also got the feeling of being rocked back and forth to sleep while sitting up, my legs joining in the tangled web of limbs making anyone's trek to the bathroom that much more perilous (as if going to the bathroom on the bus itself wasn't perilous enough). I think that 11 days spent on the bus in the last few months has actually messed with my head. Ha. I think I found so much peace on the bus, personally, that I will always associate that with everything, good and bad, about riding greyhound. It doesn't matter if it's something as simple as stopping at a McDonald's for a quick breakfast, or missing a transfer and ending up in Atlanta for 4 extra hours. I honestly don't know if I can recommend this to anyone, but if you're like me, you should definitely try it.
That's it for now. It is time for bed.