Regular updates will be resuming soon, once I restock my refrigerator and dig out from the backlog of email at the office. Thank heavens for a cleaning service I can pay automatically: nothing beats coming home to a pristine house after 20+ hours in buses, planes, and airports.
(Fannish) things to do this week:
-- go see The Hunger Games
-- find a cheap matinee for John Carter (if it's not already gone)
-- catch up on some of the tv I missed in the last few weeks
-- post about Among Others and Freedom Maze
-- ETA: Legend of Korra!!!!
Other things: groom the dog, cook vegetables, get back to the gym, sort through my photos, etc etc etc.
But I will share
troyswan likes to say, later, fembots!
Crossposted from
DW, where there are
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