omg it is very weird to overhear, in my VERY MUCH NOT GEEKY OFFICE, people talking about Firefly. Pity that the guy leading the discussion is the socially-inept one who only talks to me when he wants me to bring in baked goods...
Ooooh! Yay!
Wargames was never like this is a Leverage/SG-1 crossover. Hah! That was fun.
Sherwood Smith has finished watching
seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Her issues don't map entirely onto my issues, but I can't argue her complaints about the world-building. That kind of consistency has never been Whedon's strong suit (or, really, the strong suit of most genre television, with the possible exception of Bab5 and some of the Trek shows).
Obsidian Wings is not usually where I go for IP-law commentary, but von has a
post today about the fair use defense in the DMCA case against Real Networks, who sell dvd-copying technology. In effect, the preliminary injunction (so not a final ruling) finds that while making limited copies of a dvd is a right of the consumer, that does not mean the consumer has a right to purchase software that circumvents DRM in order to exercise that fair use right. WTF indeed. This will be interesting to watch play out.
Anyone who didn't pick this up off of Metafandom: Zvi has an interesting post about
Creative Commons licenses that are improperly applied. Me, I have yet to write anything I'd need to put a license on, but it's an interesting discussion.
Courtesy of Bookslut, Gates wasn't
the only professor of color arrested for doing nothing illegal this summer. WTH.
Remember yesterday, when I pointed approvingly to the Table of Contents of the new Eclipse collection? Because it has women and people of color on it? Well, apparently
some people think that means that Jonathan Strahan caved to the PC hordes and is imposing "quotas" (note the post title). Oh noes, editorial freedom is being restricted!
Because the only reason one would put Nnedi Okorafor and Maureen F. McHugh in a collection is to fill a quota, naturally.
... ::rolls eyes::
Some days, you just can't win, you know?
I believe I shall make sure to buy a copy of this collection, in order to encourage Mr. Strahan in his efforts at diversity.
Crossposted to both LJ and
DW; comment on either site.