We’re preparing for Round 5 of Circle of Friends. Last year’s remix was a fun experiment, but for now we’re going back to the original format. If you’re interested in participating in a round-robin remix, primarily Buffyfic-centered, enter the following information in the comments, and I’ll get right back to you.
LJ home page (name & URL
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[Aadler--do you have the list of my previous Remixes/previously Remixed stories that I sent you last year? I can't find it in my email and I'd really rather not have to recreate it if it isn't necessary. Thanks in advance. :-) ]
Name: M. Scott Eiland
LJ home page (name & URL): http://eilandesq.livejournal.com/
Story site (name & URL): https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5444/
Primary fandom: Buffyverse, Smallville, DCAU, Harry Potter
Preferred fandom (to write): Buffyverse, Smallville, DCAU, Star Trek (all but "Enterprise")
Safe story/stories (no more than three): None (but I'd recommend avoiding the unfinished ones. . .and yes, I'm very, very sorry that "Harry Potter and the Exiled Slayer" and "The Hellmouth Protocol" still fall in that category. Please don't hurt me. :-P).
Stories that have already been remixed: Many (if you want to avoid these and you get me as an author, let me know and I'll send a list)--I don't mind if you want to remix one that's already been remixed (as Aadler has pointed out, a second remix can go quite well) but he's also right in pointing out that fresh ground is fun to work with and provides a completely new experience for the Remixee. Choose wisely. :-)
Stories that ARE remixes: Marked on ff.net (many--they are all relatively near the top of the list if you sort by the most recent stories first).
Looking forward to Year Five. :-)
Warmest Regards,
M. Scott Eiland
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