We’re preparing for Round 5 of Circle of Friends. Last year’s remix was a fun experiment, but for now we’re going back to the original format. If you’re interested in participating in a round-robin remix, primarily Buffyfic-centered, enter the following information in the comments, and I’ll get right back to you.
LJ home page (name & URL):
Story site (name & URL):
Primary fandom:
Preferred fandom (to write):
Safe story/stories (no more than three):
Stories that have already been remixed (and the ficcer who did the remix):
Stories that ARE remixes (and the original story/original author):
The thought at this time is to take sign-ups till the end of October, with the stories to be due at the end of November.
(As before, this is intended to be a non-slash event. Buffy fandom has more than enough slash to go around; Circle of Friends is focused mainly on het or gen.)
For more information, see the
profile page.