Mar 25, 2010 23:07
One of the things I love most about my school is that if the kids are interested in something, we support them.
To that end the kids have a Harry Potter club. This year they decided to do a Tri-Wizard Tournament. They chose a house to represent each grade level and had a trivia contest to determine a champion for each grade level. They decided, for fun, to have a faculty competition as well. I, of course, entered.
The teacher competition was today.
My friend Dana teaches English and is the queen of Harry Potter. I mean she knows EVERYTHING about those books. She was favored to win. The other teachers even made odds. Hers were 3:2. Mine were 3:1 due to the serious geek factor they all know I have.
I came in a depressing and humiliating third place. I didn't expect to beat Dana. I knew I would lose to her. But I did expect to beat the teacher who had 1000:1 odds. Dana said, "You are embarrassing yourself." Mitch said, "Your Harry Potter geek card is revoked." He was VERY thrilled to beat me. I have always been good at trivia in the past. I LOVE it. And I love being good at it. I am just sad that I wasn't able to do better. I feel like the dog in UP who is in the cone of shame. Sigh. At least I didn't come in last. Of that I am VERY grateful.
For those interested I have included as many of the trivia questions here, so you can see what I was up against. Heck, here are the rules so you can play if you want!!
Scoring works like this: You choose points for each question in the round. 1, 3, 5, or 7. If you get it right you get those points. If you get it wrong the points don't count against you. You can only use each point value once per round. For multiple part questions you must get all parts correct to get the points. The bonuses have multiple parts. Each correct part earns you 5 points. Each incorrect part looses you 5 points, so it is best NOT to guess if you don't know a part of the bonus. Only provide the parts of the bonus that you know for sure...that way you don't lose points.
If you choose point values and send me your answers I can send you your score! We can have our own Cat's friends competition here on the lj!
Remember: I couldn't use the internet or any books and only had 30 seconds to answer the questions. If you play, you shouldn't use the internet or books either. However if you want to take longer to think about it I'm cool with that. I trust you all. If you want to play, no cheating!
Round 1
1. What knee does Dumbledore have a scar on and what is it a scar of?
2. What is the core of Fleur Delacor's wand made of?
3. What is the name of the Weasley brother's shop in Diagon Alley?
4. What does Harry give Ron for his 17th birthday?
Bonus: Name the members of the Order of the Phoenix who came to get Harry from the Dursley's at the beginning of book 5.
Round 2
1. Which Weasley is mauled by Fenrir Greyback at the end of book 6?
2. What is the symbol on the cup that Voldemort takes from Hepzibah Smith?
3. About whom does Harry say, "He was the bravest man I ever knew." and who does he say it to?
4. What do the Weasley brothers call their fireworks?
Bonus: What are the first names of the three Peverell brothers?
Round 3
1. What is Mundungus Fletcher imprisoned for?
2. What is the name of the bridge that is blown up by Death Eaters in book 6?
3. What is the signal that the "girl" uses to tell Malfoy it isn't safe to come out of the room of requirement?
4. Who is the first centaur Harry meets in the forest in book 1?
Bonus: Name the three most common cores for wands.
Round 4
1. Which two chocolate frog cards does Ron not have?
2. What are the four unexpected defenses that Harry and his friends encounter when they go to Gringotts to rob the vault?
3. What happens to Draco Malfoy at the end of book 5?
4. Where does Hermione send her parents at the beginning of book 7?
Bonus: Name all of the different locations on the Weasely's clock.