
May 11, 2006 11:30

So I'm officially done with West Chester University :( I move home tomorrow morningish.. probably around 1pm. Time to be sappy!

Lots of Good Things
1. 6th floor Sanderson last year.. amazing
2. Michelle singing to me in the room
3. The few parties I went to
4. Berks
5. David's visits
6. Jenni.. nuff said
7. Late night Side Caf trips
8. Late night Burrito Loco runs
9. WCU in general

I'm really gonna miss it here. It makes me sad to think I'm done now... But I don't really have time to be sad lol... too much to do these next few weeks. I'll be posting this on MySpace, too.

Where you can find me after tomorrow:
I won't be online as much as I am now pretty much from now on. At home I have limited internet usage, maybe nights again if my dad feels like playing with my settings. Once in Erie, David uses a phone line for his internet, so I'd be sharing his internet and tying up the phone line, so I won't be on as much. Though there's a tower near his house where they plan on running a DSL line to his house, but that hasn't happened yet and he doesn't know when it will. Therefore, your best bet is to call my cell or just send me email. If you don't have my number let me know and I'll get it to you. I don't wanna post it for the world to see. Also if you want to actually send me letters, ask me and I'll give you the address. Better yet, just comment this with your email and I'll send you my number and the address. That makes life easier.

I think that's about it.. oh I deleted the party invite from Facebook for those of you who have it. No one is available at the same time and things are insane for the next 2 weeks, so if you wanna get together just call/text me or something. I'll be working Kmart for the next week, probably not much, and then I'm going on-call. They give me no hours anyway and I'd rather work my butt off this summer than do it my last couple of weeks and not get a chance to see anyone. I'll still be working overnights probably nearly every night until I leave so afternoons are best. Once I leave I'll be working a LOT and I'm also taking summer courses, so... if something is going on that I should come home for give me LOTS of notice. Even then it's not guaranteed lol.

I WILL be back sometime in the summer though, I just dunno when. Depends on when my grandparents come up from FL, they wanna see me.

Randomness: David's parents are already planning places they wanna take me to :) I'm excited. I've never been camping so they want to take their camper up by Niagara Falls for a little bit. And around Christmastime (not sure about this one) they wanna take me to FL with them :) I'll definitely be home for Christmas though. Even if I gotta drive the turnpike in snow going 5mph. It's happening.

So yeah I'll end this now and stop rambling. Adios!

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