Kmart Rant

May 01, 2006 17:24

So I went to get my Kohl's paycheck today and Julie (asst mgr) calls. Apparantly I was scheduled today while Katie told me over the phone that I wasn't on til tomorrow. So I told her that and apparantly it's still my fault. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if:
a) Julie wasn't a bitch
b) if she didn't resent me for coming in late on Easter when I REQUESTED OFF a month earlier because David was here
c) if she wasn't pissy about me saying no more Saturdays because I was working 32 hours a weekend for a long time (as you can tell, she holds on to things and makes you pay for it later because she's a manager - she cut back all my hours in half last week and only took a few off other cashiers because she had to save money on the schedule; I actually did check everyone else's in comparison to mine)
d) if she hadn't spoken to me like a bitch at first and then ended too sugar-sweetly but you KNOW it's because she wants to be especially bitchy
But no. She told me it was my fault because I didn't waste gas to go drive out there and look at my schedule when Katie is (usually) trustworthy and I know her. So after we yelled at each other, there was a pause and she goes "well are you coming in?" and I said "no." So she goes (this was the sweetness) "Okaaaay theennn I'll just have Vince (mgr) write you up when you come in next, okaaayyyyyyy?" and I answered the same back "Okaaayyy Julie buh byyyyyyeeeee!!" and hung up on her ass. I have never had a manager like her before in my life. I've had problems with managers before (like Canto) but they've never treated anyone like this before. She does it to everyone, too. She tried to fire Ivelisse because she was out for a week on a doctor's note; she fired Malika and didn't tell her (but Malika got her job back bc Vince said Julie's reasoning was bs); she treats Ivelisse like crap because they've gotten into fights before over Julie's treatment of Ive and she just holds onto it and keeps at you forever because of it; she hates the boys who carry the heavy stuff (they're called 0-1's) for customers bc God knows why; she talks about everyone behind their backs (I've overheard her in the office while getting my schedule); she's just a bitch and I don't understand why. I never did anything to her and only retaliate when attacked, like Easter and like today. She's also mad because I called Diane (who makes the schedule) today to let her know I couldn't come in Monday or Thurs (Mon bc I'll be in Erie and Thurs bc I have a dentist appt). Diane never said I was in today, and also didn't say I was in next Thurs, just said "ok I'll take that down and make sure you get them off." So Julie was like "we already had to find a replacement for Thursday for you" trying to make me feel bad. ARRGH.

Ok I'm done... Got it out of the system lol. 3 more weeks there (unless I call in and quit like I was 5 seconds away from doing on the way home) and I hope she works my last day. I really do. One night Katie told me she was fishing through the closing bags from the registers and made comments on all the operators based on their numbers. When she got to mine she sighs and says "doesn't like me..." No shit. Try being a nicer person and maybe everyone will like you a little better. I've been nice to her this whole time I've worked up until now. I rarely call out, and I've only been late on Easter as a fight-back against having to be there when I requested off. Everyone else complained about how she's a bitch but I didn't agree with them cuz she hadn't done anything to me until now. 3 weeks left.. I really want to quit though. If she's gonna cut all my hours and only have me in a day or 2 (now she's got me 4-8 those nights instead of 4-9) and also treat me like that then I may as well just spend every night at Kohl's before I leave. They pay better, it's a much better environment since Patrick left and Dave came and the managers like him and don't yell at us as much. I really want to go in there and tell her what's on my mind and leave. Just leave. I know she's only like this because I FINALLY God forbid crossed her on Easter. So far everything that's happened has not been my fault and she's still mad about it.

I thought I said I was done lol. Ok I really am. Promise.
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