Ow ow ow

Mar 18, 2023 14:10

My leg really hurts today. Seems like every time I make it do something hard (like shoveling snow or carrying heavy packages or walking with the cane instead of the walker) it hurts longer and recovers a little less than the last time. Yesterday, I did all three: shoveled the steps and sidewalk so I could get down to the truck, carried trash down to the basement, drove to the mailbox, post office, and grocery store, carried groceries into the house -- all of which is just everyday living activities and should be no big deal, but with a trashed hip joint that's barely holding together, leaves me in pain for days. At least that's done, for now, so I can rest up for a few days before having to venture out again. Hope it doesn't snow again for a while.

I have a surgery date: April 10. My brother and SIL are cutting their winter travels short and planning to come back on April 5, and hoping the weather isn't too bad for them to get their trailer home. So I just have to muddle through until then. And then rehab from the surgery, but at least things will be getting better from there instead of worse.

Meanwhile, Mister Simba is gradually doing better. Once his diarrhea improved, I cut him back from six meals a day to five, because it seemed he was digesting his food better and six meals was really too much food. For the last few days, I've been giving him four meals a day, same amount of food, but just divided into four portions instead of five, to see if he can handle a little more food at a time. So far, so good. I'm also trying to get him used to a little bit of dry food, just a few kibbles a day as a treat at bedtime. (He LOVES dry food and would prefer kibble to wet if he had his way. Unfortunately, dry food has always tended to give him diarrhea so I have to be very careful how much I let him have.) I'm hoping to eventually get back to giving him three meals a day.

He's possibly gaining a little bit of weight -- not much yet, but at least he's not losing any more, which is a relief. Seems to be holding at around 8.5 pounds, when he should be closer to 10.5 - 11 pounds. At least he's not losing any more.

So we're both of us hanging in there. (And Davey's same as ever, getting into everything, climbing all over me, being an adorable little pest.)

hip, simba

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