At this rate I'll be updating five times a year

Oct 29, 2006 04:57

So it's been over two months since I last updated. How lame am I?

Where to begin? After having such a long lull like that, I keep on thinking I need to have a lot to say (or at least something interesting) upon my (triumphant?) return. Unfortunately for the lot of you, that won't be the case.

Since last update, what's been up? Well school started. Classes are going pretty decent..sort of ish...actually only 2 of the 5 are really going well. I should also mention my English prof...I tend to describe him the same way to everyone. When I first saw him, I thought to myself "Hey, this guy seems alright. Looks like he'll be a solid 6 on the coolness scale" Unfortunately, this man spoke and acted like he thought himself to be an 8. Which effectively makes him a 4.

I also got my MCAT scores back...I can't believe in my last post I had just taken them. So long ago... In any case, I got a 29, which is a decent score. For those of you not familiar with MCAT scoring (I'm thinking most of you) it's in the 68-74th percentile. In any case, I would have really liked to have cracked 30, but I really shouldn't complain I guess (though when has that stopped me before?)

What else, what else? Oh, went to a wedding. First one I've been to in at least ten years. It was really nice actually. Plus it was a mixed wedding (Catholic/Protestant) so there was no dreadfully long mass involved. The whole ceremony was actually kind of...beautiful. You know you're getting old when you come to appreciate weddings.

I also appreciated the wedding reception. It was my first time really drinking with my family, and it was pretty fun. Got enough of a buzz to enjoy myself for a bit, but came nowhere near to the Codiddy of yore. Also caught the bride's garter...and by caught I mean walked up and picked it up off of the floor while the other two single guys stood there. In any case, I was unaware by the ensuing tradition where one has to put the garter on to the leg of the woman who caught the bouquet (sorry, I'm pretty much a wedding virgin). Would have been really awkward if not for the liquid courage. I was told to do a strut. A sexy strut, at that. I was like Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing. But without all of the gyrating. It's a shame you all missed it.

Oh, and a final note on weddings...or more specifically, photographers. If your camera does not have a manual zoom, you are not a semi-professional photographer. You're a girl who likes to take pictures.

Let's see, other highlights...oh, my birthday!. Definitely a solid time. I wasn't quite expecting to enjoy myself as much as I did. Had a lovely little meal cooked for me tofu and vegetables in a peanut sauce. Not to mention almond fudge (I'm a man who likes his almonds). Also ended up getting a bit tipsy (I feel like I'm one of those guys who constantly talks about his drinking). Had a really good time just hanging out at a couple of places. Ended up going to Peake's (first time ever). By then I was sobering up, and didn't really have a good time aside from seeing a few people I hadn't seen in too long. I was also privy to some absurd kind of tomfoolery people were telling me was a form of dancing. There were more fingers pointed skyward than at an ornithology excursion. It was entirely preposterous (and completely arrhythmic).

Though speaking of my birthday, I ended up receiving the console version of Dance Dance Revolution. Ended up buying a mat for it around the same time we got the arcade machine at work. Between DDR and Harvest Moon my schoolwork has been suffering heavily. Really though, how important is school?

Finally, this weekend has been pretty eventful. Such that I've been out both Friday and Saturday night. For the longest time I thought I had completely grown out of the party scene. I just don't think I'd been partying enough with the right people. Friday night was a really fun time...dressed up as Kevin Arnold from The Wonder Years (thanks to a last-minute idea from Steve) there was a surprise visit from Kaitlin, who lives in Ontario now. So yeah, big surprise there really nice to see her. Also ended up spending a lot of time talking to someone I really haven't talked to much before. Always nice to have a good conversation with someone with whom you don't normally converse. Pretty much saved the last few hours there.

Then tonight was a good time as well. Really solid pre-pub party. And usually when I'm at a party in Brown's, the the people I don't know tend to be ridiculous skeeze-bags. There were some genuinely cool people there though (and some incredibly cool friends). Definitely a solid night. Would have been better if things hadn't been so...messy though.

In any case, I really feel as though I've written enough. And I apologize for my lack of humour...I've had a lot on my mind lately. So maybe next time I'll try harder to entertain. Hopefully that will be before December.

P.S. This post is officially dedicated to Katie Mahoney, who I've thought about everyday for the past month (I was supposed to write her an e-mail). Sorry Katie! Hopefully this will do.

P.P.S. Why are people suddenly bombarding me with talk about facebook? This shit's been around since I was still speaking to Michelle Dalton. So I ask...what is everyone's opinion about this? Really, why should I be swayed?
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