Н.Г. Басов: 'Мы занимались своими разработками (лазер) без всякой связи с военными исследованиями'

Jul 04, 2017 13:26

Как была организована высокая наука в СССР даже во время войны: "Не чувствовалось никакого духа военного времени в лаборатории".

‘...As far as masers and lasers are concerned, then of course, one should mention that the centimeter waves used in radiolocation had been the creation of the war. The radio engineering and radio physics were well represented at our laboratory as radio astronomy and radio spectroscopy. But we were dealing with those problems without any connection with military investigations. In our investigations we aimed at creation of such radiation sources that would continuously cover a wide range of centimeter waves (just with that purpose we studied the synchrotron radiation). That was necessary for the atmospheric investigations, for the analysis of various substances and their properties in the cm wavelength region. One didn’t feel any war spirit in the laboratory.’

Basov, N.G., 1984, Oral Histories Interviews, Interviewed by Arthur Guenter, 14 September, American Institute of Physics, retrieved on 04.06.2017 from the Web, https://www.aip.org/history-programs/niels-bohr-library/oral-histories/4495.

СССР, лазер, наука, новая индустриальная революция, наука и технологии, сталинизм, Басов

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