Mar 11, 2011 17:08
I think I need some chocolate.
And some tea.
Yes, tea and chocolate, please. Right now.
A damn strong earthquake hit Japan couple of hours ago. We're still getting aftershocks. Hopefully none as big as the initial shake-up, though.
I've never experienced a real earthquake before. I mean, yeah, there have been small ones during my time here so far, but nothing really worth noting. So today kind of made me realize I don't really know what to do when an earthquake strikes.
Stay away from the windows, in case they break.
Stay under a door way.
Stay under the doorway only if the doorway is actually re-enforced one.
Avoid doorways.
Go under the table.
Don't go under the table.
Stay indoors and don't go outside.
Go outside.
There are so many different contradicting instructions on what to do, that I honestly have no clue what is the best course of action. It's kind of discomforting to realize that. It probably all boils down to the fact that there is no universal "best course of action" and it all depends on many variables at any given time, sometimes even depends on blind luck. But that really isn't a very reassuring at all.
Physically I'm fine.
Materially there are some damages, with the biggest one being the broken hot water pipe, which leaves me without hot water for the unforeseeable future.
Emotionally, I really need that fucking chocolate and tea. Affirmation that everyone I know is ok would be good too.