Ge-ass. *hit*

May 18, 2009 19:10

::The Basics::
1.Name: Wing
2.Nickname(s): Wing (seriously.)
3.Age: 17. I don't feel it though... Still, it was only last week that I had hit this age 8D
4.Gender: Fe-male.

5.Likes: er, well, I have so many things I like... Reading, video games, animanga, writing, being at peace, teddies, scarves... probably missing something...
6.Dislikes: Insects, being rushed, being pressured, scary things
7.Fears: Being forgotten, the entire horror genre, needles, insects, it's actually rather easy to make me scream xD;
8.Goals/Dreams: To become a better person! I'm constantly improving... but short term wise, I... just want to pass my exams ;A;
9.Talents: er... Writing? I get praise from my teachers... er... I don't know really... I learn quickly, I suppose?
10.Hobbies: Reading, writing, being a sloth, piano, violin
11.Strong Points: I'm a generally chilled out person, er... I also empathise a lot... I'm fairly understanding... er... I have so many ers...
12.Weak Points: I'm very indecisive and annoyingly dependent on people (I want to change this D|), also very old fashioned and stubborn, and my laziness is a rather bad point

13.Your General mood: (Calm? Quiet? Happy? Hyper?) Calm. Just being at peace, going at my own pace just makes me feel generally happy so I try my best to keep this mood going xDD

14.What's your personality in three to six words: Depends on the people I'm with...

15.Color: BLUE! Most of the things I own are blue. It's a very calming colour~
16.Animal/Bug: B-Bug... ickickick... Animal though... Penguins! They're so cute and furry and cute and furry and cute and furry and- *hit*
17.Food: POTATOES! So deliciously versatile! You can think of lots of recipes for this little spud~
18.Sport/Game: I don't play sports... I suppose swimming... Though I haven't done it in years.
19.Quote: *looks for one* “Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth.” - Mark Twain

20.Code Geass Character and why: I actually really like Rolo, because he'ssocute. But er, on a serious note, it'd probably be more Nunnally, because I love those sweet, beautiful characters... She just really touched my heart... Being both blind and in a wheelchair, and yet she's not moping or anything *cry*

::Least Favorite::
21.Color: er... Really fluorescent colours that hurt my eyes...
22.Animal/Bug: EVERY BUG IN GENERAL. I don't really hate animals...
23.Food: Ginger... ick, that digusting bitter taste...
24.Sport/Game: er... I'm actually quite apathetic towards sports... I don't hate anything... *can't think of anything*

25.Code Geass Character and why: Again, I can't think of anyone in particular... Nina, for a while... I guess... Not extreme hate, I just didn't like how she being unreasonable... A-And... her brief psycho-ness s-scared me ;A;

::Are you::
26.Mature or Immature: Mature most of the time, but deep down, I like to hide that I'm really just a big kid xD;;
27.a Leader or Follower: I'll do my best at leading, but I'm not very good at things, so... I end up following and supporting.
28.Optimistic or Pessimistic: er... Confusing really... I always thought I was optimistic, while friends thought I was the opposite... Optimistic realist, I guess?
29.Outgoing or Shy: Shy, oh so shy... To a fault *cry*

::Do you prefer::
30.Night or Day: Night, I get more done since the day makes me rather lazy... Besides, it's much quieter at night and the city lights are beautiful (especially in HK if you get to go ;D)
31.Chess or Checkers: Chess... T-Though I've lost every game I've been in ;A;
32.Winter, Fall, Spring or Summer: Winter! It gives me the excuse to wrap up warm in scarves and snuggle in bed with a hot cup of tea. Or something like that.
33.Hanging out with a lot of people or just a few: Just a few, it's so exhausting hanging in a big group orz orz
34.Spending sometime with family once in a while or not: Spending time with family! Always make time for your family /o/ ...They are your family... I said family three times orz
35.Having fun or doing something somewhere quiet: Somewhere quiet... It can be fun even then...

::If You::
36.If you had the power of Geass, what would it do? I-I don't know... Read minds, I guess?

37.If you had the choice of being born Eleven (Japanese) or Britannian, which would you choose and why? BRITANNIANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Because er. The name's good...

::Last 3::
38.Include a picture or describe yourself: *has no pictures* Well, I am rather chubby lololol (like a PENGUIN), er, I also have really long curly hair (if you're familiar with Tales of Symphonia, Zelos' style but black), and I'm quite tall and wear glasses that somehow are constantly misplaced or dropped D|
39.Anything else: Do your best, and thank you for taking the time to vote for me ♥!
40.Please link the 3 people that you were able to vote for: 1 2 3!


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