::The Basics::
1.Name: Dana
2.Nickname(s): Arc, Arcanine
3.Age: 20. Jesus.
4.Gender: Female.
5.Likes: Your mom. Anime, manga, j-(music genre), RPGs, video games, fandom, whatever. Science-fiction and fantasy. Sentai shows. Sleeping. Writing in second person. Laughing and making people laugh. Fire Pokemon. Werewolves of London. Warren Zevon. Singing slow songs while speeding on the highway. Cute things. Emoticons. The strikeout tag. Golden Monkey tea.
6.Dislikes: People who don't care enough to use good grammar when it counts. People who mess up HTML codes that have been copied and pasted from good, working HTML code. Bouts of pessimism. Getting hungry at weird hours of the morning. When my tea gets cold >.>;; Filling this section of apps differently every single time because my mood's always different.
7.Fears: That I can't make the ones I care about happy. That I'll never be able to break my bad work habits. That I'll never be taken seriously in a work environment because I'm 4'10"/female/gay -- though mostly the being 4'10", honestly.
8.Goals/Dreams: I'm majoring in Writing for Film/TV, and that is what I most want to do with my life -- make the shows and movies that entertain people, without losing touch with my fandom roots along the way. How lame does that sound I also want to marry my girlfriend at Disneyworld. XD
9.Talents: I like to think that I'm funny, that maybe I can make a difference when people are troubled, and that maybe I have enough talent to actually make it as a professional screenwriter. I guess "dumbass optimism" might count as a talent, too. And being long-winded and silly
10.Hobbies: I'm pretty much an average geek, juggling geese writing (more original than fic lately), roleplaying (more tabletop than internet, though I wanna get into the latter s'more), and spending way too much time on the internet. Add a dash of reading for good measure, and the strange thing known as "social interaction while offline, though mostly playing video games," and I think we've got most bases covered.
11.Strong Points: Modesty, I guess. I have faith in my writing on good days, and on my jokes every so often; in relation to these things at least, I'd consider a sometimes-overactive imagination and tendency to be incredibly childish positive things. And I'm very protective of friends/will stand by them through anything , often to the point of my own detriment (uh, not a good thing).
12.Weak Points: I'm way too sensitive, and I can't stand to say/do something to offend others, even if I don't know them. I mean, the last time I did this -- unintentionally! -- I, uh, started crying. It was awful and lame. I care about people too much, to the point where I'll not only overlook their faults because I'm fond of them, but where I'll make excuses for things they do that offend me because I'm afraid that it's just because I'm too sensitive and taking things the wrong way. In other words, I'm a highly self-critical doormat.
13.Your General mood: Relaxed or silly? ^^;;
14.What's your personality in three to six words: "...The aristocrats!" "I am my inner child"?
15.Color: Green. Blue and purple, too~
16.Animal/Bug: Wolf. I'm not very original. :\
17.Food: Grilled cheese with ham a-and can I have fries with that? (See? Five year old in disguise.)
18.Sport/Game: Ooh! I actually have a strange fondness for hockey. Go, Devils!
19.Quote: "My God, it was impressive!" said Axel. "Do you know, we all acted characteristically..."
-- A Fairly Honourable Defeat, Iris Murdoch
Do I even need to say why? Talk about hanging lampshades ♥
20.Code Geass Character and why: I started the show loving Suzaku because of his seiyuu, but I really enjoyed following his development. Guilford is my hero, maybe because he wears glasses -- er, and because the whole "devoted knight" thing is really sweet, because it really feels like he cares for her because she's Cornelia and not because it's some kind of "hurr, man protect woman" or "this is just my job" thing. I will also admit to being a little bit attracted to/squeeing over the cute girls from R2 who-- you know, they're in the opening and they're cute :| Ayame, Ichijiku, and Mutsuki...? lol wikipedia
::Least Favorite::
21.Color: Pink.
22.Animal/Bug: Bugs in general
23.Food: Most healthy foods, since anything good for you is rarely delicious.
24.Sport/Game: Baseball really bores me, probably because I have a short attention span.
25.Code Geass Character and why: Kanon, maybe. I felt like he didn't really serve enough of a purpose. (Did we even see whether or not he was killed in that one scene with him, Diethard, and Schneizel...?) Even Charles and Marianne had relevance to the plot, despite being awful parents and terrible people.
::Are you::
26.Mature or Immature: I can give off the appearance of maturity if I want to, but there's no denying that I'm just a little kid putting on big kid clothes and playing school or playing work or whatever. I have a mature outlook on life sometimes, but both in my attitude and in the things I expect of the world... immature, absolutely. (Is recognizing your immaturity a sign of maturity? Shit, now I'm just confused.)
27.Leader or Follower: If I'm with people I dislike, I'm more inclined to try to be a leader so I don't have to listen to them. If I'm neutral towards people, don't care about the task at hand, or actually like/respect them, I have no problem with being a follower. All bets are off if I'm in a group of guys, though -- I want to do everything in my power to be perceived as "one of the guys" and "not a girl" because I'm paranoid and dumb, so I'll want to take charge then, too. And it's always been my dream to be the protagonist of a shounen series, so... (There we go with the immaturity again.)
28.Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic. I've got periods of doubt and sadness and woe-is-me-nothing-ever-turns-out-right, but I do know that things'll get better.
29.Outgoing or Shy: I can be reserved, painfully polite, or even a bit shy until something clicks in my brain and I lose my inhibitions. Then there is no stopping me. I've steadily grown more extroverted over time, so I guess I do lean more towards outgoing by now.
::Do you prefer::
30.Night or Day: Night.
31.Chess or Checkers: Chess, even though I rarely play. I like that it's more strategic and that it has more interesting pieces XD.
32.Winter, Fall, Spring or Summer: Fall~ I love the smell of autumn, and I like that it's cold enough for me to wear pants and sweatshirts (choice attire! I care nothing for fashion). Did I just come up with the word "attire" before "clothing"? Really? My inner child is weeping.
33.Hanging out with a lot of people or just a few: I prefer smaller groups on a daily basis, but larger groups are amazingly fun to be with every so often. (It's a little draining if it goes on too long, though. Especially if they're people I'm not as familiar with, because I always feel pressure to be funny and keep everyone's attention. Ugh. Getting over-excited from being in a crowd is not a feeling I enjoy.)
34.Spending sometime with family once in a while or not: Spending time with family! As much as they can grate on my nerves, I do enjoy being around 'em.
35.Having fun or doing something somewhere quiet: ...Can't you have fun by doing something somewhere quiet? I mean, I don't read nearly as often as I used to, but there's nothing that gives me warm fuzzies like spending time reading alone. Or, hell, being online doesn't have to be loud, but it's the way I spend tons of time.
::If You::
36.If you had the power of Geass, what would it do? Something that would make people happy. Kickstarting the chemicals in their brain would be nice, but selfish; forcing someone to be happy doesn't actually make them that way. I guess it would be more of a-- almost like that "glimpse into the future" Geass, in that it would allow a person to see how a positive outlook could benefit him or her, so that they'd actually become happier on their own? But that's really complicated :\
...Or I'd be able to spy on or manipulate peoples' dreams? Don't worry, I'd only use my power for awesome. Who wants a sex dream ♥? $20!
37.If you had the choice of being born Eleven (Japanese) or Britannian, which would you choose and why? This is tough. On one hand, it's a no-brainer to be born Japanese: I wouldn't want to be part of Britannia's awfulness; hardships build character; I would have the chance to fight - literally! - for things that I believed in, and I'd be able to do all of the spectacular, unrealistic things that I want to do in my real life. On the other hand, the need for security is a powerful one. I enjoyed watching all of the school scenes, seeing how most of the Britannian students seemed like fun, average, ordinary kids. Being a Britannian would only be awful if I was an asshole, which I'd like to think I'm not.
If I was just stuck in the Geassverse, by the sheer fact that I'm a lazy, procrastinating, pushover, I'm sure I'd have been born Britannian. So maybe it's for that reason, too, that I'd choose Japanese? Way to overanalyze this question, you idiot.
::Last 3::
38.Include a picture or describe yourself: 4'10", often wearing an Animorphs hat, always in jeans and wearing a sweatshirt over a t-shirt (definitely not a fanservice character, haha). Brown eyes, longish dark brown hair in various states of straight/curly.
39.Anything else: I am so sorry for not shutting up. :x
40.Please link the 3 people that you were able to vote for:
R3?! (some are screened)