Oct 08, 2009 15:09

Your name/crazy internet handle/whatever: Mikhail
Personal journal: maleficial
Email: andwiththeworms
AIM: andwiththeworms
Characters played (if applicable): N/A

Character name: Seth.
Genre (TV/books/etc): Original Character
Fandom: Religion Based (judo-christian)

Canon point: Well, I could go on about what his world is like but until future years his world is just like ours. I take him out during "the apocalypse". He can't remember a whole lot of what all happened before he came here. He's not sure if somehow he died or if the world just ended and I'm leaving that up to interpretation. The what and hows of this ending can be found in the history section.

Why this Character and Canon point?: Alright. Well. I'm choosing Seth for two reasons. One: he's steam rolled my brain. Two: he's complex, different, and so far very fun. What's awesome about him? Well he's not your typical demon. Yes, he can be cruel, lustful, down right despicable, but due to his 'how and what' there are different sides to him that make him incredibly appealing and fun to play.

How will he react to Taxon? Well, he'll be really confused for awhile. He'll want to know what the fuck is going on, where he is, and how this even happened. He'll probably be a bit panicky but he wont particularly let that show. It's going to haunt him a lot for awhile, even if he wont let it show. I chose the place he came out of from canon because it goes well with the point of Taxon and he can easily, eventually come to write this off as the new world after the holy war. And in that, he's basically coming out of an apocalyptic war between Heaven and Hell.

Programmed Possession: Custom Kawasaki Motorcycle.

Abilities/Weaknesses: Alright, let's start with Seth's strengths. Seth has minor telekinetic abilities that were granted to him when he went topside to work. I will explain this and his other abilities in separate paragraphs for easy(er) reading.

He can shuffle/move small things with his mind like tables, chairs, doors, etc. The larger an object gets the more he needs to concentrate, the harder it is for him, the more it exhausts him. A person is probably the heaviest object he can move aside with 'ease', and that is just a normal human person of an adverage size (5'7" or so, 140lb - 160lb or so). The larger the person is, the stronger the person is (mentally and physically here) the harder it is. When we get in to figures that are not human we start seeing even more difficulty (usually). It is, by all absolute possibility, that he would be flat out incapable of tossing aside a figure depending on their abilities and nature. Also, then, the bigger things like cars, houses, and so on and so forth are very difficult for him depending on their size. Once we start getting larger than human sized objects we start seeing more and more difficulties.

Another more larger ability of his is the ability to take host (to possess). Again, this is limited and it is limited to humans (like the normal one's in our current world) or animals only. If we run into a half human half something else then it may be possible but difficult depending on the situation and the psyche / abilities of the other figure. The lucky thing here is that Seth doesn't actually use this ability really ever. His current body is a host, and that's as far as he really goes with it. It's been his skin for many years now, he likes it, he's probably not going to be changing it anytime soon. Now, along with this power of possession comes a regeneration ability. It's not a rapid speed thing unless the wound is really small like a cut, a bullet wound, and those sort of things. The ability is also imperfect, and depending on the wound he may not be able to regenerate on spot at all. His body is human, but he is a Demon which is a lot harder to kill and so his body adapts to that. An example of this power and it's limitations would be a burn by fire for instance. Say he was trapped in a fire, his body burned head to toe. His skin would heal completely in a couple of hours. However if this burn was caused by some nuclear blast from some super duper superman of sorts than it might take a lot longer than a couple of hours. Depending on the extent of the damage his human host can definitely die.

Alongside these two abilities is the typical enhanced senses. Yes, the stronger, faster, harder, better crap that comes with most demons. Seth might look a bit scrawny but he can punch through concrete bare fist. He's not anywhere near over 9000, but he is fairly strong. An average of what weight he could lift would be around 500lbs or so. He's an incredibly good fist fighter, and this is enhanced with his heightened senses. Seth can usually feel people's strength and presence coming. He is faster than the average person (but absolutely not lightening fast). He has a very high sensitivity to smell and can therefore (most often) tell if someone is human, demon, or something else by the scent of them as well as their presence. Capable of hearing a pin drop 10 miles away from where he stands, his hearing is razor sharp.

The last of his demony powers is his power of temptation and influence. As a demon, he has a sort of feel, a sort of aura about him that can ensnare people in to indulging a little. Whether it is lust, gluttony, wrath, vanity, sloth, pride, or envy - all of the variations and all little sins in between - he can give you gentle nudges (or sometimes not so gentle) their way. Of course he has his sins that he prefers over others, but he is still capable of tempting people toward any and all of them.

Now, when it comes to plain old physical fighting Seth is fairly skilled. He prefers the passion (if you will) of fists and make-shift weaponry, but he has an incredible knack with the katana, small blades and various firearms. Actually, Seth's favorite weapon is the mourning star (just like the one in Kill Bill). However due to its often impracticality he very rarely gets a chance to use it.

What other strengths does Seth have? Well, he's fairly smart. We're not talking super genius omg!!!11!1 smart, but fairly smart. He knows a large variety of languages, having a taste for the old and obsolete one's (Aramaic, Latin). He knows Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, and Hindi to name a few. Due to the fact that he first assigned himself to the eastern Asian area when he went topside he also knows Japanese, Chinese (both Cantonese and Mandarin), Korean, and other various Asian languages. Obviously he knows English but hates it with the burning passion and so he chooses to speak in in a terrible slang filled Southern accent.

Now, what are his weaknesses?! Well, well, well. Aside from the one's that have been shared within his specific abilities, he does have other weaknesses all together. His biggest, hugest weakness is... dun, dun, dun, faith. What the hell is this, a Demon with faith? Yes, that's right. Not only does Seth love God and want to believe with every fiber of his sack of dead flesh and corroded soul, but he has an absolute fascination with God's creations. Especially humans. Oh yes, he is incredibly, incredibly weak for most humans. You want to get under his skin? Posses a human and make them commit suicide in front of him. Capture one and torment them. Etc, etc. Isn't he suppose to be tempting these guys in to sinning? Yes, and he does, but often regrets it afterward or feels slightly bad for it (depending on the sin. He's a demon after all, and hey, some sins are all THAT bad). More than once Seth has saved a humans life and took out his own kind. More than once Seth has just... saved a humans life. He actually fought for them alongside two Archangels when Heaven descended and Hell rose. Huge weakness that is incredibly easy to manipulate him with if you know how to do it.

This massive character flaw gets even better if you know what Seth was made of. Really, the irony is just too much for me sometimes. It was due to this fact, this hope and faith and love for His Grace that Lucifer decided to bind him to a specific job while he worked topside. This specific job very often leaves him disgusted and angry at himself. Half because he cannot control his urge to do it and half because he knows that often those who are inflicted with it are undeserving. This job is to turn people away from God, away from faith. Should he cross someone who's faith in God is becoming a little shaky he cannot resist the urge to nudge them downward, to encourage their betrayal, to twist the words of the bible, to manipulate truths and send them tumbling down. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knows what he is saying is untrue,or only half true, but he cannot help it.

Wait, there's more! He's a demon, duh. He's got a lot of flaws as he is and was born of sin. Seth is a huge alcoholic. Man he can out drink Beelzebub any day or at least give him a run for his money. Actually, due to Seth's enjoyment of Gluttony he hates Beelzebub. A lot. He and Beelz have a bit of a rivalry going on in which they have crossed paths on earth here and there. Also, just for a random fact, Beelz has his flies and Seth has worms and maggots. So there's more rivalry there. Which he does like his worms and maggots so don't hurt the worms because then he will be sad and punch you.

Seth is also quite easy to flair up. He swears a lot. A lot, a lot. As mentioned, he has a weakness for humans and he has a huge weakness for dominant women. He's an absolute fool for a woman who can throw a punch. Though he's weak kneed for man or woman who has that 'I know what I want and I'm going to get it' attitude. He's a huge drinker and a massive chain-smoker. Also, ruin his leather and he will be incredibly unhappy. Insult Motley Crue and suffer.

Also, religious symbols and other Blessed things will hurt him. Priests, prayers, holy water, crosses, churches, anything that's been blessed. The rules were bent during the war, but they're going back to how they were before it when he hits taxon (for now, things can change with rp I'm sure).

Psychology/Personality: Fiery, passionate, vulgar, sarcastic, jerk. Those all come to mind upon first meeting him. He's got an attitude. He's got a big one. He's a punk. A rebellious punk right down to the fire red hair and studded leather suit. Though in some strange way it's almost friendly and that's because, often times, it actually kind of is. He's quite social, or at least can very often be. You'd be surprised to find that he can talk fairly philosophical from time to time too. Actually, he very much enjoys speaking about theory, life, death, and various other things. Especially when it's with a regular old mortal because whoa mortals are totally fascinating.

He can be very impulsive at times. He is, after all, a demon and therefore often lacks self control. On the flip-side though it seems like he also has more control than your regular old demon. Truth be told, he can be very level headed.While he's fiery and sarcastic, it's usually executed in a very calm and cool sort of way. He's capable of taking a moment to think things through or think on things. He doesn't jump blindly in when his senses are screaming 'danger' or 'caution'. He can play a round of chess with the best of them and sit in reflection to consider the great why's of the universe or at least be amused by the great theories he is hearing from others.

Seth likes to have fun. He teases, he bullies (often in a playful manner). He plays hard to get. He's flirtatious, and wild, and spontaneous. He's always up for a challenge and a fight. He comes off very vain and full of himself (when he often really isn't). He's ready to start drinking at 8AM. Definitely the person to call if you're bored on a Wednesday night and want to go blow things up. He'll rock any mosh pit and is very unlikely to decline bedroom activities with a man or woman who has the attitude of someone that knows exactly what they want and are hell bent on getting it. He'll knock you the fuck out if you talk bad about Motley Crue or Nikki Sixx. It has yet to be determined what his obsession with the Crue is but you really, really, really don't want to challenge it.

This demon can be hard to handle and incredibly dangerous. He's quick, he's sharp, and if you push him he can be absolutely brutal. He knows how to torment and torture both physically, emotionally and psychologically. He wont deny that he likes fighting. He wont deny that he enjoys the suffering of others. He wont deny that he gets an unimaginable thrill and sense of happiness in taking to Hell those who turn against God's gift with full laughing intention of doing so. This joy in murder, mayhem, and brutality is usually more geared toward other supernatural figures rather than humans, however there are some humans that he very much enjoys tearing down as aforementioned. These people being the serial killers, the psychopathic rapists. The real disgusting and filthy people of mankind. The people who aren't lost, aren't hurt, are just flat out and out against God. The people who completely ignore their creator and actively destruct and destroy their own people. He can roll with the best of these kids and enjoy their demise and decline in to Hell absolutely thoroughly.

There' s more to him though, far more. Far beneath this wild, rough, punk attitude lies a yearning. An indescribable ache. Some, empaths and things of the like, might be able to feel it. Heck, anyone could just see it if they looked. It's in the way he speaks, even if it's a chain of swear words. It's in the way he moves, and how he does things. There is this passion, this indescribable passion, yearning, and ache for something or perhaps for someone. Many will be unable to place for who or what this powerful emotion, this incredible drive, belongs to, but it is there. For those who can tell though, they might be a little thrown off.

This ache is for God. He wants to believe so desperately in everything that God stands for and promises. He admires and adores all of His creation (sometimes); and wants nothing more than to be welcomed by His Grace. He has faith, as much faith as someone like him can have. He can't show it. He can't sport a cross, can't enter a church, he can't - he's a demon, but Lord does he want to. He's not perfect in his faith by any stretch, not at all, not even close, but he tries, and sometimes he tries really, really hard. Alas, he is a sinner. Matter of fact he is born of sin, born of the ultimate sin itself. Which makes this irony all the more impacting. Seth is resentful toward Angels for this. Which he was incredibly, painfully resentful to be working with two of them so closely but he did it for the humans. He is filled with anguish, envy, and hatred for them. Sometimes it is this hatred and anger for those who have God with them that drives him to make them fall.

This conflict leads to something even further. Something he hides from everyone. Something he's very good at brushing off with obnoxious punk-ass 'tude. It's a depression, a very deep depression. Lost, confused, self-loathing, conflicted. The list goes on and on. It also makes him sometimes fleeting, and gives him a reason for his quick temper from time to time. He doesn't trust well. He doesn't like people knowing that weakness. A demon having faith? Huge weakness. Even larger than a demon liking humans (which he also tried to hide). It causes more trouble than good. He's friendly most of the time, but there's a line you can see, a line you can't really cross. A line where he'll back away and close you off. A line that when you try to step over he will flat out run away.

History: Seth was born many, many, many years ago. The number of years has long since been forgotten. He was born in the very lowest pit of hell, the ninth circle. His spirit was composed of those sinners and all of their attributes. His body was formed by their rotting skin and decrepit bones. Yes, in hell, in his most natural form he is a hideous creature of rotting flesh, maggots, worms and bone. He inherited their treason, their contempt, their rebellion, hate, and all the other sins they had committed during their life. He inherited their flaws, their weaknesses, their horrible and disgusting urges. He also inherited their other side. He inherited their love, their devotions, their passions. He inherited their hurt, their confusion, their guilt... and their fallen faith.

He served down there in hell for many years, doing slave work to keep the sinners punished and in line and remembering why they were there amongst various other things. Slowly, when not many were around, he indulged his curiosities. He'd ask, "would you invite Him in to your heart again?" ; "What made your belief stop?" ; "Do you regret it?" and various other things like this. He collected stories of their love, their faith, their life. Gradually he built a fascination for them, these people from murderers, to rockstars, to psychologists. What it was, why it was, how it even was that this was possible could barely be understood by anyone. At last, however, he was approached by Lucifer himself.

Amused by these developments, the devil himself gave his 'son' a proposition.A chance to go up top and live amongst the mortals. He would be a tempter, his job to tempt people in to sin. There was no possible way that Seth could deny that opportunity and so he agreed and up he went. His first year on top was during the spring of 1965. He started in Japan, content and happy with their ways of things. He found the place to be very beautiful, the culture interesting and unique. He found a host quick enough and went on his way with things. However after awhile he decided to travel. Immediately upon his travel, the demon fell in love with music and the people who felt so passionately about it. His particular genre being rock and all that fell under that.

During the 70's and 80's Seth was heavily involved in the American and British music scene taking to working his 'magic' there. The whole, 'rock and roll is a one way ticket to hell' thing? True. Mainly because of him. He was there to push a very many rockstar in to gluttony, lust, and rage. He bacame fascinated with bands like Judas Priest, Motley Crue, Quiet Riot, Ratt, Whitesnake, Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Led Zeppelin, and so on. It wasn't uncommon to see him doing roadie and stage work for these guys. Over the years though he's been responsible for many of their overdosing, turning from God, and desire for girls, girls, girls.

He continued working mainly in the music area for years, and years. Yet he remained an essence of the 80's you could say, deciding to keep the studded leather, too much eyeliner and spiked hair. He took a minor break to spread away from the American and English music scene to travel back to where he started: Japan. Enjoying the culture and mindset of the people there, he decided to work there for awhile. You could say he was also somewhat responsible for the uprise of the Japanese rock scene. The terrible eighties hair should have been a sign, but.

Although these three places, England, America, and Japan, were not the only places that suffered his influence. He caused a lot of ruckus in Russia, too - encouraging their black metal scene to flourish after the cold war. He also wormed his way into the German industrial wave, and various other European and Asian music uproars.

However, 2000 hit, and with 2000 came something different. Something different from music all together. More and more there were more sitings of demons walking amongst them causing mindless havoc and trouble. Pointless things. Possessions to inspire murders, suicides, riots. It seemed like a thing of the past almost. It seemed like the wars, the horrors, the outbreaks of diseases and things of the like had blown over but this was because the demons coming up topside had gotten smarter. In all actuality it was getting worse, and worse, and worse. The economy was failing, diseases were spreading. People were turning their backs on God, ignoring his presence completely. Media and it's vain outlook on people was becoming more and more important. Heavenly virtues were wearing thin, disappearing quickly. This was where Seth's own loyalties began to falter and he began, on occasion, to work for the human side. Protect them, save them from these mindless attacks. Sometimes even encourage their good sides in a very roundabout way.

2015, the first sign struck. War broke out once more. It lasted for ten years. The mortal side, that was. The war was devastating. With such technology and horrifying weaponry people died fast. Madness was everywhere consuming everything in its path. It became to the point that the original reason for this war was lost. Maybe it wasn't even there in the first place. Then came the plagues. Diseases spread rapidly through the world. Horrifying 'natural disasters' struck the middle east first, then Asia, then the rest of Europe, then America, Australia, the world. People were dropping off like flies and Seth could really only do so much, but he tried. Amongst other earth dwelling Angels and Demons, half-breeds and other supernatural beings, he worked with those like-minded enough to try and save as much of humanity as he could.

2030 saw the beginning of the end. Up came Hell and down came Heaven to finish the war. God and His army against Lucifer and his army. Out of complete resent he worked alongside Archangel's Gabriel and Saint Michael in protecting and fighting for humanity. It was during this point he received the closes thing to being in His Grace. Temporarily, he was granted power to fight and protect. He was not given wings, but he was granted Holy power for his pursuits and to fight righteously alongside Gabriel and Michael. However at some point, lost in the drums of war, everything ended. He finds himself here in Taxon unsure of the year, date, or a lot of what might have happened between the war he remembers and ending up here.

ooc: application

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