Oct 08, 2009 14:42

Here it be, the big glorious FAQ.
Have another question? Please, feel free to ask them here!

Good for you. Don't fangirl me for my choice of PB please. Die is hot and he fit the character. That's it and all. I don't want to talk about DEG with you, I don't even really like them a whole lot and don't follow them anymore. Seth is Seth, not Die cleverly disguised as Seth. Had to reinstate this and get it out of the way. Now, moving right along.

Is Seth a fallen or halfbreed or what?
No, he was born in the lowest pit of hell. He is technically dead. His truest form is grotesque with rotting flesh, maggots and worms curling around exposed bone and all that fun stuff. This form is just so he'll fit in along the mortal race.

Does he show any signs of being a demon?
Yes. One, his eyes are red and his pupils and slit like a reptile's. Two, he smells of sulfur.

How old is he?
Somewhere between nine-hundred and one-thousand two hundred. Which is old, but actually extremely young for a demon like him. So in essence, he's still practically a twelve year old.

Okay, he hates angels.. is there any way to change that?
Yes. Slowly. He CAN BE REASONABLE. Remember, he fought by the side of Gabriel and Saint Michael. Resentfully but loyally (for that period of time anyway). He's probably not going to change his mind over night. He'll always be fairly distrusting of them.

He kills demons too, right?
Yes. If a demon is threatening the life of an innocent mortal he will step in to defend that human.

Does he hate demons?
Yes and no. If you don't piss him off then you're fine.

Does he have a Japanese Accent?
If you've been reading how I represent his voice than this should be obvious. No, he doesn't. He speaks in a very slang filled and vulgar Southern accent. His voice is deep, a little ashy but smooth. No Japanese accent unless he's actually speaking Japanese.

So he speaks Japanese?
Yes, he speaks Japanese (feudal era too), Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Korean, and other various Asian languages. English, Hebrew, Latin, Aramaic, Greek, Arabic, Hindi, and so on. He doesn't know all languages by any stretch but he knows most Middle Eastern and Asian ones.

Body temp?
Warm. The body he is in is a host, so it is living.

If he's from the 9th Circle, why the hell is he warm?
Human host. Pay attention guys. Besides, I like the layering idea, and some of the idea's presented in Dante's Inferno, but I'm not going by that book either.

So he can die?
Yes. He has regeneration abilities but this mortal body is not immortal.

So he's bound by 'contract' to influence treason?
Yeah, basically. Like, if he breaks the rules he's not going to suffer sudden combustion. How I'm making it work is that, even though he has some good intent in him and often knows otherwise, he was BORN of those sins. So it's an almost uncontrollable urge inside of him, even if some other part of him wants so desperately to NOT do it. He can't NOT (most of the time. Good rp makes things change.)

Human host, bro. It takes more than the typical human, but it can happen. It wont kill him, but he can fuck himself up pretty nicely. And no, if he's totally fucked he's totally fucked. There's none of that SUDDENLY I AM TOTALLY SOBER NOW THAT DANGER APPROACHES shit going on. I mean maybe he can sober up a bit? His body is human. It wont die from this sort of thing, but it's human.

What are his powers?
Please take your question to his application for a full understanding of his powers. If you have any more questions concerning them, please feel free to ask!

Weapon Experience?
Skilled. Ultimately he favors the Mourning Star (like the one Gogo uses in KillBill); but it's pretty impractical, so he'll go with pistols unless you're something special and worth a sword fight. If he really doesn't give a damn, he'll just use makeshift weaponry / fistfight, which happens frequently enough.

So, let me get this straight, Seth is a GOOD Demon?
Kinda sorta, but all in all not really. He's gluttonous, wrathful, lustful, and the list goes on. He lies, deceives, blah blah etc. Just because he has a soft spot for Humans, vague faith, and love for God, doesn't mean he's not a sinner as he is composed of sin and the rotten flesh and bone of sinners. Sure, he does some good, but he's obviously a demon. I mean... he's suppose to tempt treason, and is treasonous himself. How much more wrong can you get?

What's his sexuality?
Bisexual, and again: he has a soft spot for humans. Yes, I'm open to smutting. I'll warn you though I'm not good at het because let's face it us dudes have better names for our parts. I mean I'll try but it'll probably be horrible if it gets really heavy, but hell who knows. Just sayin'.

What's up with his obsession with Motley Crue?
Fuck if I know, but don't test it. Nikki Sixx is his to collect and he's damn well gunna do it. Of course now that he's in taxon he can't do it which will make him a very, very sad Demon. Do expect a post about this at some point when he comes to this realization.

So he's from our world, right? How are you going to handle that fourth-wall?
Like everyone else who has a character from a show which involves fourth-wall like elements: pretend said pieces of fiction don't exist.

ooc: faq

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