Jan 11, 2014 07:19
Okay, before I say anything else, I suppose I should address something:
I made a post that sounded like it IMPLIED negativity about Mormon practitioners in general. That was not my intention. I'm not apologizing for my statement: I've adopted a similar mentality to the "love the sinner, not the sin" idea when it comes to religions that see me (and people with similar "lifestyles") as an "abomination." I've met PLENTY of Mormons who are pretty awesome and have befriended several over the years. The Mormon religion, yeah, I have several problems with it... and those are personal. I usually don't post about my dislike for a group or their practices but, like with most things, sometimes I throw in a little jab in good fun. That's just how I am and NO group is excluded from this: I do it to everyone/everything at one point.
Now I've gone and forgot what I wanted to post about... something about wanting to go blow $80 on a fabulous pair of boots, I'm sure.
Did I mention I have a slight obsession with shoes? No one would ever guess, either... I only own 3 pairs, not counting my slippers.
random: shoes,
srs business