Oct 18, 2004 12:36
Today has been a really good day so far...Ryan and I talked until around 2 last night. Cryed, laughed, thought about alot of things. We are in love..We are both sure. I keep forgiving him, not because I'm stupid, but because he is not perfect. No one is perfect..Everyone deserves a few chances..just he gets a little bit more, cause he just doesn't make good decisions. I know he loves me, and I'm sure of it. Last night I talked to two people who really helped me out alot. Rae and Dan the man =) Thank yu both! Yu gave me very good advice, and I appreciate it. Obviously, I'm staying with him, only because he went to a party at Brian Pollak's house, and so many things were going on there, and he didn't do anything. I think he's starting to grow up. I am so happy. Yu may be asking yurself why I trust him about not doing anything at the party...well, let me tell yu. He explained how seeing things from the sober, and non-high point of view was good for him. He said it made him realize he didn't want to be like that anymore. He kept asking himself how he could hurt me continuously, knowing how I feel about him. He said he thought about getting sick of doing bad in school.. and getting yelled that. He thought about personal things, and about me. It made me happy. He said I was the only girl for him, and that if that one time he cheated on me, if he wasn't drunk, he would have never done that. He said he spent alot of time thinking why he did it in the first place...like how can he hurt the girl he loves and stuff... I don't know... He really wants to turn his life around.. I knew all these years of telling him he can make it, and always giving him an extra boost would pay off..I guess all I can do is continue to trust him, and have faith. I believe in him, and I believe that one day...he will get his act together, and realize his priorites...This is the boy I love!
I just took a test in CiS. I think I did pretty good. Not doing anything after school I don't think. Maybe go home, and take a little nap. My house is always so cold.. Ry is coming over after practce. I can't wait.. He said he's coming over the rest of the week =) We are gonna snuggles!! I'm so cited...*
Well, I think that's all for now, I will write back later.
I sit and wait....there's an angel...comtemplating my faith!