My fuckin weekend. .

Nov 06, 2005 16:37

That is THE last time I will ever go out of town again. My car is broken and ya know what even though everyone "assumes" that it is in fact mine it aint it is mine and mums under my fathers name so you can only imagine how pleased they are. .

I am so fuckin screwed + v bitter

It DRIVES ME TO A POINT OF COMPLETE BOILING ANGER how you can be so excited and look forward to something so fuckin much and for it alll to just blow up in your face like it always fuckin "FUCK THINGS UP JUST LIKE I ALWAYS DO" does I am tellin you now if I did not have Cole** . . baby I Love YOu so much whatever I am so fuckin pissed off and feelin extremely responsible for the whole fuckin thing

So we set off shortly after I had completed yet another painstaking session of KEYFUCKIN BOARDIN and after I went to visit my boyfriend at work we picked up McDicks + headed outbound aight so so far so good actually that was funn we were just croonin to ANY tune you can possibly think of I think we went through most if not all CDs that we both friggin own haha so it is about 5/6 PM and we are just ya know cruisin down the road and we were in great spiritis cos fortunately it really is not that busy I mean I consider myself a fairly aware and prepared driver so I know what I am doing I was a little tiired but nothing to serious that was not the problem anyways I had to deal with the odd asshole who thinks it is a smart idea to try and cut infront of me while I am passing him in A PASSING LANE and then some other ass who does WHAT I FUCKIN HATE and passes about ohhh 5 vehicles ON A FUCKIN CORNER ENDS UP IN OUR LANE and because the road is a little damp and slick I started to skid and had to slam on my brakes in order to give him enough time to get back into the his lane. .my whole life actually flashed before my friggin eyes. .now by this time it is startin to get pretti dark which again is not an issue its when snow is hurlin at you and creates some kinda dimensional view and that is all you can see is snow is the issue however I went over it in my head I truly did the very best thing that I could have done there was not enough time or sense to turn left into a layby nor could I go on if I can not see the fuckin road since it is not lit up at all it is times like this that I REALLY miss home cos I mean at least we know how to fuckin build maintain and LIGHT up our roads for fucks sakes. .I put my hazards on (did you know that he claimed that he thought there was something wrong with my taillights and that is whyy he did not know "what I was doin??" FUCK that is such bullshit anybody who holds a Drivers License KNOWS what fuckin hazard lights mean ARRGGGHHHHH) WAYYY before THE BIGGEST ASSHOLE IN THE WORLD approached me in fact he was quite away behind me + I was fully aware of this until I eventually slowed enough to slide and pull over to the side of the road + well wait there I guess til the weather had let up meanwhile ASSHOLE 101 had come flyin up to me + ended up smashin my taillight dentin the side of the car and crackin the fuckin bumper. .the car shook on impact and I was shocked into paralysis I could not move, Lindsey had to take action and get all his information and inspect the damage and everything because I was immobile *Thank You so much hunni* LINDSEY AND I LOOK OUT FOR ONE ANOTHER. .I then with much reluctance had to summon the courage and strength to drive a little further into a place called Barrhead where we stayed the nite since there was not a chance in holy hells ass that I was gonna continue driving to Edmonton in the state I was in I was hyperventaling and just stonfaced the whole way to the Sunset Cove Motel. .ohh yes it was a joy. .ended up calling Cole** because welll I felt so fuckin terrible and responsible and angry and so v upset about everythin I did not know what else to do so he calmed me down and brought me back to rationality which was I was not driving at all that nite and the best thing for me was a bed which of course he was right. That evening we had funn the three of us Erica Linds + myself we walked down the street to KFC I was looked like a total thug man in my boyfriends sweater that was so awesome cos it is huge on him so it swallows me up so that was good chicken was what I needed it really was. .listened to the crazziest ringtone ever on my fone which was our alarm too so we woke up with a smile haha OH MYY GOD THE SKEALY BATHROOM  thankfully in the AM the snow had cleared and the roads were fine as we headed into Edmonton for about ohhh must have been 10 30AM??. .However I royally despise Edmonton you think it is easy to navigate when you are traveling with somebody else but when you are on your own it is a completely different story. Basically we got lost again but Lindsey is a most fabulous map navigator so we were able to get back on track eventually but it is fucked seriously nothing is really signed all that well and roads turn into other roads and then other streets were fuckin blocked off so we had to re-plan our route just was not what I needed. .we ended up goin round in circles. .it reminded me of paris NEVER EVER get lost in Paris there is nowt else worse than that. .*shuddders*. .we ended up checkin in to the hotel bout 11 30AM which was really good actually we made excellent time and then we headed off to West Ed mall for some MUCH needed Retail Therapy it was most fabulous we got a lil cranki at times as we are all really stubborn gurls + as everyone should be warned about it is my temper which was interesting and challengin haha yeaa this weekend was a fuckin challenge, and a "learning experience" as my dad eloquently put. .asswipe grrrr. .I FOUND PANTS THAT ARE LONGER THAN MY FEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For a tall woman this is a truly *orgasmic* adventure man holy fuck was I ever happi poor chicks in there musta thought I was on drugs and the whole mall thought we were too hahah sucks to be them. .I also managed to get a cute green jacket and other things so it was a good time. .did some hw too!! I had to analyse the types of customer service we recieved + I have mixed opinions about THAT so it was a good four hours. .we then headed back to the hotel to get ready for STAIND!!!. .and you would hope + think that that would be funn and it was not. .it was such a waste and I am so utterly disappointed. .I mean when they finally got up there ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it was amazing. .we anticipated the whole waitin in the line we were there supa early and ended up bein like right next to the booth at 6PM being like the 5th group first or whatever but ya know three hours went by pretti dammn fast considerin the amount of phonecalls I recieved and the fact that welll it was me and Linds and we could talk for the world so it was alll good s'alll good babay babay haha lol .. BUT and this was when my unbearable lack of prudent patience was seared + worn thin yet again but you would think that while we were waitin in line waitin for 2 months to see this to get here scraping the side of death more than enough times you would think they would have the fuckin courtesy to have it alll set and ready?? Wouldn't ya?? Well I would but no no no they did NOT. .and these giggly 14?? year olds were makin me red and green at the same time (possible) with their tales of the fact that they.  .they . .THEY. .

MET STAIND. .i can say no more


Default opened after an hour of us waitin there. Default were good I like Default I think they know their shit and yessum they rock pretti hard but tell me did I pay to see Default?? No no I fuckin did not we paid to see Staind which is what I yelled to the "event staff" another fuckin JOKE (we are in Red's I do not like Red's). .Staind were not even up til 11 45PM. .so essentially we paid to see Default "open" OPENING IS NOT PLAYNG ALL YOUR FUCKIN SONGS FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHIN THAT IS WORTH LIVIN I WAS ABSOLUTELY LIVIDDDDDD FUMING AND JUST SPITTING FLAMES my goddddddd. .we were a metre away from Aaron *smiles* I have no voice from screamin I creamed when they played "For You". .by the time we left we were in total awe the atmosphere was electrifying and I loved how Aaron felt every song every note and every chord that was executed. .Niicely executed babe;) lol Ohh Linds. .but yeaa *siigh* they were WIICKED. .but because I am a woman of great impatience and pettiness I will complain. Leavin the bar was gay too everyone fuckin stole our cab and we could not drink because we were on the "right" side???????? GRRRRRRRRR but it was all good cos I got back and made the three of us Awesome Holy Waters and hollly were they GOOOOD. .it was NECESSARY we also got food as when we left I have never felt more drained exhausted and hungry in my life. .We left after tryin to giggle about some of the small events of the weekend like the fact that my ass was practically hangin out when paying for our food *yay* and we got like 3 free cans of pop. .the whole WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE????. .the fact that we figured out that it was indeed the chicken that came first and not the egg because well Conel Kennedy is a v mean man and taught young kids to suck the life out of those eggs. . .and whatever else was funni the roads were wonderful we ruled em there were no problems and we listened v intently to the Spice Girls because we are so fuckin awesome we do not know what to do with ourselves

Annd well here I am now facin the wrath of my rents + gettin ready to see my boyfriend because I have missed him incredibly I can not count the number of times I just wailed I WANNA GO HOME and I think the three of us made history when we actually shrieked YESSS when approaching the FORT McMURRAY sign. .for fucks fuckin sakes

Anyways I am out everythin sucks I Love Cole + gurls I am so sorri I hereby will never leave town again

I am so not impressed right now.


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