Dec 20, 2004 10:00
so me and joe (del rosa) have been talking a lot the past few months. its been pretty cool getting to know him. its been cool hanging out with him, but its not cool when he thinks he's slick. last night we were on the phone and we decided that we were gonna go to sawgrass today and finish up some christmas shopping. he calls me up around 6 today while im at work and tells me that he can't go anymore because he has to hang out with his family. of course, i immediately thought BULLSHIT. so i tell him it's cool and we'll just hang out when i get back from AZ.
i get off of work and jamie picks me up. we get to sawgrass and start shopping. just as were turning the corner from Vans, jamie yells out JOE!! i turn around and what do you know? theres joe! at sawgrass! where WE were supposed to be hanging out. and who is he with you ask? a girl! wow! what a suprise!
its funny. really... it is. i loooove when guys try to fill your head with lies. they think they're good but theyre not. i know joe's history and how much of a fucking slut he used to be. but he would swear up and down to me that he had changed. for a while there i was actually starting to believe him. but now... HAHAHA. ANY ounce of trust i might've had in him is gone. out the fucking window. he's done. sooo done. what kind of fucking moron goes to the SAME EXACT MALL with another girl THE SAME NIGHT as he was supposed to with another girl? pure stupidity. the look on his face when he saw me was PRICELESS. he was in absolute shock. he's like hey! gimme a hug! i was like what? so he hugged me anyways and of course i didn't hug back.
trust is a really big issue with me. ive gone through a whole lot of shit with guys in the past and i can read them really well. i knew he was still a slut, but i continued talking to him anyways. giving him the benefit of the doubt. i shouldn't have. cuz now im just pissed off. i'll be over it by tomorrow, but what the fuck? you couldv'e at least went to pines or broward joe. smart move dumbass.