It's been a while.

Oct 03, 2006 12:56

So, it's been a few months. The internet has ceased to amuse me anymore. I can't seem to find a use for it. I never thought the day would come, but apparently it has.
I've started a new blurty, but i can never manage to write in it. I figure i might as well use this instead of a whole new one. I doubt people still read it anyway, so it doesn't really matter what i say.

I've really been creative lately. Painting, drawing, writing with some importance. I guess it explains why i don't really need my livejournal anymore. Anything i have to say with some purpose has been written in the notebook i keep.
There has been some troubles along the way, and i've really been thinking. I have made some mistakes, but i can't change it or make it right. It doesn't really matter, because people i've made these mistakes with are only human and it will always disgust me on some level.

I think about how lucky dogs are. As a child, i desperately wanted to be a dog, or any sort of animal. I used to crawl around on my hands and knees until they were scraped up and everyone had to address me as if i were an animal. Ahh, the imagination of children. But even now, as a somewhat more mature adult, I still envy the carefree life of animals. Now, they do have their own worries, i realize this. there's the search for food, natural enemies, bothersome humans, etc. But the stress they encounter is no where near the stress that we as "intellegent" beings (that, of course, is an arguable statement) have to deal with. As is, i sort of pride myself on the fact that i don't feel my life depends on useless gadgets and the latest technologies. Of course, as you see, i do have a computer, and i even admit to having a nintendo DS. It's just seems like a tireless fight, you finally get the latest device, and just as you're sitting down on your couch and playing it, you see a commercial for something that's shinier, more blinking lights and shit like that. And you're left with something that is all of a sudden out of date.
Like those phones with cameras, videogames, all sorts of shit that beeps and flashes. It's a CELL PHONE. It's a portable phone, based on the stationary telephone, used to contact others. Do you really NEED to have everything it takes to survive in one little device? Of course, i admit it's a pretty exciting idea. I am human, after all. I am, by nature, lazy. But have you seen the PRICE of those things!? People who are lower middle class/poor even own them. If you don't have an abundance of money, why don't you use it to feed your family. Possibly move into a better apartment? and as for the rich, you could use that money to donate to a charity. Not that i'm one to talk, I don't donate to charities. I might if i trusted that the money really went to the cause.

Oh good, my mother is eating cereal right in my ear. She grunts and snorts when she eats. I am annoyed.
...And how did i end up ranting about cell phones? the point is, almost everyone is stupid. the end.
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