Sexy Opinion: College Life

Sep 04, 2006 09:33

College life is pretty sexy. There are certainly some sexier aspects than other, but some of them are absolutely hysterical. Noelle is probably the sexiest part, because let's face it, it doesn't get hotter than Noelle, but so far the funniest is probably going to be the drunk naked man in my bed last morning.

This is, in fact, a story which turns out to be exactly what it sounds like, making it not only completely unbelievable but also revolving around a naked man who woke up in my bed this morning and had no idea where he was or how he got there. The drunk part happened last night, I think. I hadn't gone to bed that night, since I was up all night doing a 24 hour play festival (which was awesome!). Around 11 am, I started feeling pretty inhuman and I wanted to take a shower, so I dropped off a bagel for Noelle and went to my dorm to get my stuff.

When I went in, I was confronted with a dude in my bed. It was sort of weird, but whatever, maybe my roommate knew I would be out and so he had a friend over. Not a problem, it's sort of weird, but I'm okay with that. Doesn't bother me. The guy wakes up, and so I ask him who he is and why he is in my bed. He looks at me and says, "I don't know..."


My roommate wakes up and tells him that he started banging on the door at four in the morning last night, so my roommate let him in, thinking it was me. It was four am, he wasn't really paying attention. The guy asks for his glasses so he can see what's going on.

We can't find them.

Okay, they're probably with his pants. We look for his pants.

We can't find them. Or his shirt. All we can find is a mysterious pair of grey underwear, which don't belong to me or my roommate, and this guy swears they aren't his.

wait a minute.

"Dude, are you naked in my bed?"


Jesus. Thank you very much, dude.

wait a minute. Not only are you naked in my bed, but you don't even look familiar.

"Dude, you don't even live on my hall!"

"No, man...I live in Hollister 3. Why, where's this?"

"This is Morgan 3, dude. You took a right instead of a left."

"Jesus...this is really embarrasing. I'm really sorry about this, both of you."

I finally had to go to his room and get a towel for him so that he would leave without commandeering my sheets any more than he already has. And of course, I recount the conversation for his roommate.

"What the fuck? Why are you in my room?"

"I need one of your roommate's towels. He's naked in my bed."


"Your roommate is in my bed and I need a towel for him. He's naked."

"Yeah, his towels are all over there...he's got some 'splainin to do when he comes back here.

I told this story to some folks on my hall and some friends of mine, and it's busy spreading all over campus.

This is the college life.
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