(no subject)

Mar 11, 2012 10:40

I have a job interview tomorrow.

It's not the type of job I want. It's labor-intensive, but it's what I can get. Hopefully. I have three major concerns about a joblike this one. 1) Epilepsy. 2) I'm spectacularly out of shape. 3) Vision seems to be a problem recently. Haven't mentioned the last one because I might be jumping at ghosts -- my sister recently discovered she has problems with her vision, and I have similar symptoms. But it's worth checking out. If I'm not put to work directly after the interview, I have an appointment with an optometrist Monday afternoon. I expect I'll be in contacts soon afterwards.

The job's an order puller for a dental supply/veteranary supply/surgical supply company. Warehouse job. This will be my third warehouse job. If I get it. Pays $10/hr. Believe it or not, that's nearly as much as I've ever made. When I was working at Alabama Electronics, as co-owner of a mildly successful family business, I only made .50 more. Didn't pay myself a cent at Astrobrain. [LIES! I got lunch money out of the till and read comic books.] Point is, this will be the first time in years I'll have made a paycheck. I'm embarrassed about that. 35 (34?) yrs old and haven't made money in years. Prime of my life, wasted.

So, yeah, I'm only slightly depressed that the quality of work I'm getting hasn't increased in years, but, then again, my abilities haven't grown either so I shouldn't expect much. There's a technical school a mile or two away from the place I'm interviewing at Monday. Figure I'll see what I can do about enrolling there after I've fixed myself up a bit. I'm in desperate need of a few dental visits. And a new bed, so my back doesn't hurt all the time.

But man, it'll just be nice to get out of the house.
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