New Journal && my BAD relationship with Mike

Apr 29, 2007 18:44

well i just made this journal. My main idea for making this journal is because i have things i need to get out, and i don't think i can get my feelings out through myspace or just on paper. Im a little bit stressed out right now, because i was dating this guy mike, who at the time seemed really sweet like he really wanted to be with me. When we hung out he made me feel wanted and made me feel like he wanted me around him. But as the days went on and i started getting a migrain because of the drama he caused me i then realized everything he has said to me was a lie. he always accused me of cheating, come to find out he was really cheating on me with this girl that "broke up with him". He was the kind of person who seemed like he was very trustworthy in the beginning. Mike and i weren't together long and i look back on the what he called a relationship now and i think about everything he had said to me about me being a cunt (sorry nene) and being a self centered bitch i really didnt need him. Mike would never let me do anything unless he was coming with me or unless i was talking to him 24/7 on the phone. If i texted him instead of calling i would be told that i was cheating..if i called at 8:35 instead of 8:30 i was cheating It actually came down to i couldn't even go to work without him thinking i was cheating or doing something wrong. When we hungout one night we were sitting in his car in his drive way it was raining, and we were drinking a beer relaxing and just talking about some shit that was going on. My phone rang and at the time it was a new phone and i didnt have anyones  numbers in the phone it was my mother and i didnt feel like picking up because me nd her had had a fight and i was still mad so i ignored the call,i then got accused of cheating and that was my other boyfriend, to prove that i wasnt lieing when my mother had called back i picked up and i said "HEY MOM" and he said im still lieing my friends know to go along with that. I was like umm okay you can call her. and it really was my mother. So whatever we are fighting about that so i said im going to leave, he then got mad at me because i was leaving because i was tired and it was raining and i hate driving in the rain. He told me it's weird how i ignore my calls and as soon as my phone rings i want to leave. Come to find out the reason he was getting mad that i was ignoring my phone calls was becasue when he was ignoring his it was because it was his other gurl friend. But anyways when i left his house he then followed me drunk off his ass driving up really close to me and trying to push my car off storm king mtn.  The next day i was sleeping, and i didnt hear my phone so he leaves me a voice mail asking me why im not picking up and who im fuckin. umm excuse me i was sleeping. He told me that im a stupid fucking bitch and i need to be shot because when someone calls me i have to pick up my phone, i shouldn't ignore a phone call because it's a bad sign. which i know that but i was sleeping.. Anyways so yeah now he's telling me he always loved me and never cheated on me.. 
Well tell me what you think!!

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