Mar 19, 2009 10:05
Author: Cobalt Mystic
Title: World of Words III: Truth
Pairing: Spike (sorta, more William)/Xander- implied/pre-slash
Rating: G with that pesky PG warning for boy playing
Feedback: Mys has decided that she actually likes FB, so… constructive crit is fine, just be prepared for Mys to defend/explain her choices, and try not to do any permanent damage, k.
Disclaimer: Just playing with the pretty kittens. Unfortunately, they are not mine, but I will gladly groom and bathe them before sending them back home to Daddy (aka Joss/Mutant Enemy/et al).
Warnings/Squicks: umm, less than par writing for this series? But hey at least it's not abstract writing this time, lol!
Summary: Discovering a truth
AN1: Okay, ya know how Mys said there’d be at least one more, well she’s since discovered that there will be at least 5 in total, so 2 more definitely.
AN2: This takes place during BtVS S7, somewhere around Same Time, Same Place.
It couldn’t be. He couldn’t be. It would mean the words were true. That the dreams were… true.
But the dishevelled and wild figure before him stirred memories of elegantly painted pictures- their pigments and hues the vocabulary of a bygone age.
Darkness flickered over a face he knew like his own, yet not at all.
Still, he knew. He knew that this frail honey-haired man was his haven, his solace, the place he turned to when the darkness of his life became too much.
He knelt beside the haunted form of the man whose words caressed and warmed him; making love to him with their soft sounds, lilting through his mind making his body feel their very meaning. Those words, like a lover, soothed the ache of his soul, dampered the loss in his heart, and protected him from the devastation all around him.
Looking into frightened, detached sea-grey eyes, he searched for the right words- nothing seeming adequate. Placing his large warm hand over the blonde’s, he said the only thing he could, “I’m here, William. Your Alexander is here.”