Ph.D Candidacy Update

Nov 19, 2022 08:11

Since the last time I’ve posted here (more than a year ago!!), I have defended my proposal December 10, 2021 and passed with minor revisions. I’m mostly finished with my data collection and am doing data analysis and writing Chapters 4 and 5 in earnest with the aim of having a first draft end of December or early January, a penultimate draft by March 1st, dissertation hearing by first week of April, and submission of my committee-approved dissertation to the library before last week of April so I can walk in May 2023.

Also in earnest: job search. Academic positions require one to send in applications a year in advance and I’ve applied to some, mostly out of state. I’ve also applied to industry jobs within the metropolitan Boston area since my family and I still want to stay here if we could.

So many things up in the air which makes me anxious. Paradoxically (or maybe not so much given the nature of my brain to want relief from current focus every once in a while), writing my dissertation and being on the job market also make me want to explore other unrelated work opportunities such as being a Philippine historian and Tagalog language instructor and linguist.
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