Jan 14, 2008 19:21
this is the email my mom sent me today:
"They want him to do chemo again after all. Said now it's to the point of quality of life. Guess it is in his liver after all and riddled elsewhere in his body. Life Expectancy is approx. one year. BS!!! He's just turned 47 years old! PLEASE KEEP THE PRAYERS AND POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS COMING? Get everyone you ever met, even strangers, to affirm his perfect cure from cancer, perfect health & longevity. We're gonna try any and all holistic measures we can. Prob. is $. It all costs so much and we are still ineligible for any kind of medical assistance/insurance that we can afford. Basic Health will let him buy ins. in 9 mo. Big fucking deal! Prayer, positive thoughts submitted to the universe, asking the healing loving angels to cure him and holistic supplements combined with the western BS will work. But, we need your prayers and affirmations! Please?????? Please????? Please????
Thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart!
In Love and Light,
Maureen Horrobin"
...i don't know what to do, christ.
any ideas?
edit - might as well mention that butterscotch probably won't make it either. gradually going down, down... but pets are one thing. people, slightly another.
edit edit - oh fuck that, pets are just the same. if not worse because it's all in my hands. and i actually like animals.