May 20, 2015 14:39
Does anyone have a coworker that no matter how often you reassure them of something (in this case, that they're not going to get fired), they just cannot drop it? So they are in full panic mode, all day, every day? What a treat to deal with these folks, right? You try to be sympathetic but it's so easy to be burned out when repeating yourself so many times.
It just dawned on me today that this co-worker actually just doesn't have the ability to listen to the words that are coming out of someone's mouth.
So, yes, I got conned into staying at my long-term job with my softness to my boss, who I have mentioned before has Alzheimer's and his legacy, also I was given a lot of money to stay, honestly enough.
My co-workers are still constantly bickering with each other about "how" things are done around here. Down to what grit of sandpaper works the best, in which order and the technique that's used. My eyes just glaze over at this rate.
Henny Penny gets into with Short Man Syndrome regularly. To the point that Henny Penny will come into my office near tears to ask me what he should do. My response is "Don't take it so personally, just take a break or go home if he's being like that." I even drove him home the other week because his car was broken and he had taken the bus to work, I didn't want him to feel trapped here.
EVERY SINGLE TIME that this happens, it's bad enough because I have to deal with a grown man in or near tears. The worst part is he keeps saying "I just don't want to get fired.", no matter how many ways I've said "How many people have been fired here since you've started? You've been here fifteen years, tell me who's been fired?" does it sink in. He seriously cannot grasp the whole thing.
Today is when I figured out that he cannot comprehend things passed his own feelings or perception of things though. He was asking me how I was, I respond with "I'm doing really good (I know, my grammar makes my BF cry too, sorry!)". There was chatter after that, all refereeing to how well my day was indeed going. Then he turns around and says "I hope your day gets better!" and scurries out of my office...I...okay well maybe it can get better because I'm okay with my day being frigging fantastic and not just "really well"? It's just one of those quirks that hits me right in the "Do you ever listen? Or do you just not listen to me?" feelings.
Speaking of the "sky is falling", when I did leave for five seconds, the entire shop exploded and we had to have a meeting to specifically state "no the place is NOT shutting down, we aren't going to spring something on you like that". Again, trust issues are probably the biggest thing in this place, we have never had a reason to not trust the owner or his family, they've went above and beyond in every case, they are transparent with employees and customers alike. These people have never screwed over another human in their existence, everyone should know that.
Oh and a bonus "WTF STOP". My boss' mess of a kid has been hanging around trying to "run things". He'll show up for awhile, then fall off the wagon and go into seclusion. Just breeze right in here, looks at the reports he doesn't understand and asks me stupid questions. I'm on a limited schedule because I have 2 other jobs, you begged me to come back, chill out and let me run the show, dude! Just help the DUDES IN THE SHOP WHO NEED A FOREMAN not the girl behind the curtain, pulling all the levers and making the huge fire ball burn!
I'm starting to get frustrated with coworkers at my other job, wherein I'm the bookkeeper for a restaurant. We had a huge change in staff for various kind of hilarious reasons, not a problem, I understand the learning curve. The person who was promoted to manager is very nice. I thought he was also seemingly smart but no, he cannot grasp how to count a till properly. I keep having drastically short deposit bags that are unexplained. I really don't think anyone is stealing, I seriously think that they're just dumb and there's a vortex out there sucking in the MISSING CHECK!? and cash. Like never have the tills been over/under for every single till for a whole day prior to this. There are enough overages as well over this time period that's why I don't think it's stealing! Doh.
communication? what's that again?,
general incompetence,
embezzlement schmezzlement,
grown ass ppl acting like children,
office: banking / finance,
freaking out over nothing,
tattle tale,
money issues