May 20, 2015 06:06 least the one who took my job while I was off for one day,
Ok, I have a page full of instructions. They are right THERE in that cage card holder. The one that I had put RIGHT ON TOP OF THE FOOD CONTAINER. It even includes the feeding chart for the cats and kittens. (yes I know you have to OMG TURN IT OVER to see those..but they ARE there)
Kittens, nursing mama's (of which there is ONE) and pregnant cats get more (one pregnant too...and one HUGE) Otherwise, it is a set amount per poundage of cat. I've been feeding, on average about a half cup per cat. They are fine with that, some eat it all right away, others nibble through the day. They are not losing weight, they are not gaining weight. Putting a full cup or more into each bowl is NOT a good thing. (and if I feed x amount each day, I also know who is eating, and more importantly, if someone stops eating)
Really, all you guys have to do, if I'm ever gone again, make sure each cat has fresh food and water, you don't even have to change the bowls out like I do. Scoop the litter boxes, change the really dirty ones. (you know, the ones who's ammonia smell knocks you out?) Maybe even shake a bit of fresh litter over the top of some. Don't fill the litter boxes half full. There is a sign on said litter barrel telling you how much to use. You guys can read.
Otherwise, make sure the cage is cleaned, meds, if any are given ( might want some help with that. Dogs, you can put the meds into wet food, or a treat, cats you have to shove it down their throats.)
My job is NOT that hard. Not really. I mean, you do have to wipe down the cages. You don't have to move all the cats out of a bank of cages, spray them down and try to clean the poop off them. All I'm asking is, if you have a me, ask. Read the instructions I've typed out for you. You don't have to cuddle each cat or kitten and tell them they are just the most wondrous of all animals...I just want them fed.
The cats were fed....but whoever did my job also left me with a stack of litter pans to clean, and, I'm sure did NOT wipe out any of the cages, just put fresh paper over the top of any mess.
read the instructions,
staple a memo to your forehead,
screwing up,
taking initiative poorly,
what happens when you leave,
thx 4 the help now i'll fix everything,
pet peeves