So yeah, MYT has been at it again... Here is the latest obssession my daughter is into, The Power Puff Girls!
Look at Buttercups frowny face! LOL
Blossom is her favorite!
This is her "Happy Pink Girl Alien"... yes, there is a story behind it...
...heres how it goes.
MYT asked how it is that people got on earth. I explained to her that there are many different theories as to how humans came to be here on earth and as best I could, I explained Creationism, Evolution, Alien theory and everything in between. She listened well and nodded and replied with the following:
"I think that happy pink alien girls came here a long time ago, after the dinosaurs, and planted us in the ground so we could grow."
"Well, what about the animals and insects and everything else on earth?"
"They planted them too."
"Ok, so what do these aliens look like? Are they scary?"
"Oh, no, mommy, they're happy!"
I asked her to draw them for me, and well, there you go!
You know I am totally going to make a t-shirt with that pic on it!