Apr 22, 2005 17:44
What is it about human touch that comforts someone so much? Why will it drive you to the point of desperation? Is it medicine or a drug? Same thing, right? Wrong. It turns into a drug problem when you become dependant upon it. Is this the reason women get married and pregnant straight out of high school? The physical security of having a man around to take care of you and comfort you which becomes your mental security as well? Through out history men have went out to the whore house to feel this physical pleasure of touch and so on while leaving their wives at home to tend to the children and take care of their homes while he goes out to play. What about the women though? Were they truly happy in the fact that even though their husbands went out to fuck other women she had the security in knowing that he belonged to her and would always return? It is said that women are monogomous by nature and men.... not so much. Is this true or is this what we have learned since exiting the womb? Are women not prone to escape in their minds to a fantasy during sex which sometimes involves a different partner? what's the difference between mental and physical polygamy? Most of the time I can do the man thing and fuck someone and kick them out and am even on occasion known to say fuck you and dont ever talk to me again. Is it feminine to do this while pretending in my mind they're someone or something else? Do men think during sex? They do, but I mean on the same level as a woman does. Rarely is it that I feel emotional attachment when I sleep with someone. So if someone deprives you of the pleasure of their body after incessantly teasing you with it, is that an indication that if you achieve getting them the experience of the actual sex act desired would feel any different than anyone else? Is it just a woman thing to put so much thought into a fantasy? So much thought that when thinking of the desired act porn isnt necessary for a lonely evening at home, or could that just be the sign of a vivid imagination? Is this one of the reasons that men look at and own more porn than women? Because women are more content in their fantasies as being their main source of eroticism? Hmm...