Getting to Know You: August 11, 2008 Originally uploaded by
cmt2779. I adopted a new kitten. I'm still trying to figure out what her name is. I thought originally I wanted to get a kitten I could name Octavia. But I'm not convinced that this kitty is an Octavia. I'm feeling pretty strongly right now that her name is either Gracie or Isobel/Izzie. We'll see.
This picture isn't typical of our interactions so far. She's been very friendly and loving and playful. And she's been very quiet. I don't think I've heard her meow once (although she did hiss at Sophie when Sophie hissed at her). I've had to lock her in the bathroom with her own private setup for the night since I don't yet trust Sophie with her while I'm asleep, and she's not crying.
It's been a while since I've introduced a new animal to the household. Sophie and Lucy coexisted fairly peacefully for 8 or 9 years before Lucy died. I know Lucy didn't take to Sophie immediately, just like Heidi didn't take to Lucy immediately, and Cookie didn't take to Heidi immediately and so on down the line, but I can't remember how long the adjustment period has been in the past. Anyone out with multiple cats/animals have any guidance on that score? How long should it take before Sophie (who's lived with other cats before but who's been the only cat in the house for the last year) adjusts to the new kitty's presence? Is there any kind of guideline for that or is it just case-by-case?
At any rate, I'm completely in love with my new kitty and I hope Sophie gets over her anger soon so I don't have to keep locking her in the bathroom for her own safety.