Jul 26, 2007 21:28
I know I haven't posted here in awhile and sorry about that. I went today for my second eye injection. Pretty much think of the song Quality by BnL and when they sing "stick a needle in your eye" that's what I have done. It's been working as I have regained a significant portion of my eye sight back in my left eye. With my glasses I can see 20/20. That's just after one eye treatment. When I started I could only see 20/60. Three lines up when dilated way to go.
In other news, I am still working out and having a great time. I'm down 65 lbs as of this past Tuesday so I'm thrilled. I also was able to run a mile on the treadmill in 12 minutes and 42 seconds. My trainer was shocked. I did that right before I went on vacation.
Tuesday I was back with my trainer and he decided to kick my ass for going away on vacation, even though I told him how great I was working out while on vacation. My mom even has pictures of me!!!! I gave him a look about something and so he decided to make the task even harder. Trust me my lesson was learned no more dirty looks at my trainer!!!!
He's been teaching me more punches and kicks to do and now he wants me to get my own gloves so I'll be picking those up soon. I'm so excited by it as I love this stuff and I think it shows.
Everybody was asking where I was last week at the gym as it's not like me not to show up. I told them I was on vacation and everything I did so they were impressed.
I'm still hoping to loose another 60 lbs so we are now more than halfway to my goal. Let's hope to keep it up.
Everybody have a great weekend.