youth group

Jan 22, 2015 19:32

So, I added another item to my week- Wednesday night youth group. I'm helping to plan and I am one of the small group leaders as well. I really signed up to help because I felt like I should...but I can't say that I was all that excited. It's one more night a week that I'm busy. Already I have class one night, at least one other night a week that I meet with my group from school to work on projects, homework at night, work stuff, groceries, cleaning, etc. etc. I felt like this would be a huge burden but I wanted to help out because they needed more parents to step up. And, not many folks are lining up to hang out with middle schoolers one night a week!

However, it has turned out to be SUCH a source of joy for me. I think about the fun things we can do all of the time- the things I've planned so far have all been hits. I love talking about God with these kids- it's fun to get to do that since we can't talk about that stuff with the kids at work. And this age is actually fun- they are a little hyper, self-conscious, silly, but super sweet. It's really been a blast planning fun games for them to play. I try to do a mixture of Bible games (we did a relay race with the books of the bible and yesterday we did a scavenger hunt) and silly games (like Q-Tip War!). The kids love it so much that the middle school pastor has asked me to also plan some short games for the intro time on Sunday mornings. It's extra work for me- but somehow, it isn't. I love getting to help him because he's pouring into these kids. They ADORE him and are growing in their faith because of him. I can feel my relationship with God growing through him and through the kids as well. It is causing me to cancel some other things during the week so that I'm able to get my homework done but it is worth it. I'm loving it!!

Isn't God funny? He totally knew that I needed this, and that this would also be a special time for Jayce and I. Huh...He sure is smart. ;)
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