Seeing as we're new at this, we're going to be making a few changes that will hopefully make things run a little smoother.
First of all, the Best Romance and Best Smut/Sex Scene categories for Het, Slash, and Femslash will be divided into pairing sub-categories. Each person will be allowed to nominate two fics - of different pairings - in those categories and any pairing with three or more nominated fics will become an independent category, while anything with two or fewer will be conglomerated into a Best Rare-pair category.
Also, after analyzing data from the past years, it has been decided to eliminate self-voting. I realize people are attached to self-voting because, at the end of the day, it is a competition and people want to win, but it just makes things more fair...and besides, isn't it better to win because other people think you're the best?
As well, this year, the voting period is going to be extended to last a month because of issues with the sheer volume of fics to read.
If you have any questions, comments, etc, comment here or email us at and we'll do our best to respond as quickly as possible. We want to know your opinions and we want to satisfy as many people as possible - but please remember that we're just doing what we think is best and we're new at this, so we're bound to hit a few bumps in the road.