Wooooo, good times

Sep 29, 2005 19:28

Alrighty, I actually have some good stuff to talk about this time. Let's start with last Friday.

Football game of course, great fun. Marlaina and I had planned a dinner date, buuut I'm not supposed to have passengers when I drive... So, I told my mom I was going to the JV game and asked if I could take the car, teehee. So yeah, we went out to the Hot Bite, had some food, waited for J to close up, and I drove us to the game. It was pretty fun. I walked with Eli to his car because Kyle wouldn't and he said he had granola bars... well, he was all out, psh. Theo was having a 'dance-off' with this little kid, showed off his breakdancing skillz. Afterwards, I drove home to drop the truck off, Kyle picked me up, and we went off on an adventure. Well... the adventure involved: Getting some snacks at Breeze In (whew, frappucino and an Amp... ENERGY!); meeting up with Grant, Ashley, and Josiah at Bullwinkle's, talked to Anna a bit there; driving around aimlessly for a while before calling J at about 11:50; picked him up 5 minutes later... 10 minutes later Kyle decided he didn't want to do anything, dropped us off, and htat was the night.

Saturday... this was the good one. Got up, got on the computer for a bit. My mom had me go with her to drop stuff off at the recycling place. After that, I went with her and Nikki to the Hot Bite (haha, yes, again) for lunch. Got an Amigo, I'd forgotten how fuckin' good those are (yes, the use of fuckin' was completely necessary). Came home, showered... and got ready. Yes, got ready for the party of the year. Haha, so it probably wasn't party of the year material, but it was pretty sweet. Let's see... Rob, Kabil, Kevin, Zippy, Evan, Jake, Jono, Kyle, J, Crockroft, Anna, and (for part of it) Carly... yes, I believe that was all who showed up. Played some pool, some football, some cards, it was a grand ol' time. My mom said that everyone had to leave at 11, which meant that Anna would have to go straight home, even though her normal curfew is like 12:30. Sooo, being the angelic kid I am, I helped her come up with a good lie so we could hang out afterward. So, yes, afterwards... Anna drove Crock and I in her car, J went with Kyle, we met up at Party Zone. Of course, I had to play a game while we were there. From there, we went to Safeway and walked around a bit, without actually buying anything. Theeen... Crock, Anna, and I went to my house to chill for a few, then she went home and took Crock home. Fun stuff.

Sunday... had work at noon. I was supposed to close, but Trent and Honalee let me leave at like 4ish. Went home to get stuff to do homework, then went to Kyle's. Didn't get much homework done, mostly watched football and ate food, haha.

These last few days of school have been fairly uneventful. Tuesday I had a counselor meeting about the whole after high school stuff, not too exciting. Yesterday I had a dental appointment at 9, so I got to miss our test in 2nd period. The appointment was the basic cleaning, get told that you need to floss more thing. I have to get a crown on monday, though, that'll be.. exciting. So progress reports should be here soon... not too excited about that. I know math will be a D, but I don't think that should be too big of a deal considering I'm in Calc BC. English.. well a week ago it was an F, but it should be fine now because she hadn't graded our resumes or essays yet. French is a B, which is fine. Well, my current GPA is 3.2 according to my transcript, which would mean that English, Chemistry, and Government are A's. I kinda get the feeling that the 3.2 is for last semester, because I'd predict English to be a B or C, I know Chemistry is a B, and Government is probably B or C.

Soooo, today was exciting as well. Like Tuesday, I didn't have to work, but my parents don't know that. Sooo, teehee, I got the truck to myself for like 4 hours. Picked up Mick, and we went to the boys & girls club to play pool with J. Got bored of that, so when Marlaina called to see if I wanted to hang out, I jumped right on that, haha. We drove around bored for a while, then picked up Rachel and went to the glacier. So we walked around for a bit, then when we got back to the truck, I noticed a lovely note on the steering wheel which said, "See you at home ASAP - Mom." Oh boy... then she pulled up next to us, told me to go home as she drove Rachel and Marlaina home in her car. It didn't turn out too bad though... I can use the car only 'as needed' for the next week. Really not that bad of a punishment, and it was worth it for a fun night.

Well yippee, I actually had some interesting stuff to talk about in my livejournal. Hooray... Alright, back to listening to Mindless Self Indulgence and leaving people random comments on myspace... haha, isn't my life exciting?
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