I had three phone calls on the house phone yesterday, from the same person, asking for Mr Barnes. THREE. If he didn't live here the first time you called, and he didn't live here the second time you called, what the hell made you think he might live here if you called again?! Silly woman.
They've started announcing the
lineup for this year's Truck Festival now. As well as the usual suspects and other expected names -- Rachael Dadd, The Young Knives, KTB, Piney Gir, Fell City Girl, Trademark -- I am also pleased to see that Regina Spektor is playing, which will up the number of times I've seen her to three. Other interesting names are iForward Russia! and Emmy The Great, neither of which I've seen before and I'm looking forward to them. There's a whole bunch of stuff still to be announced as well, including some "big names" that they aren't allowed to announce yet for contractual reasons.
Revision is going okay (considering how hard I'm finding it to concentrate), but unfortunately is highlighting the number of things I probably don't know as well as I should. I'm also concerned about the very open nature of some of the questions on the sample exam paper - I always hate questions that start with the dreaded words "Briefly describe", since I always end up writing much more than I probably should. I'm going to have to keep a careful eye on the time on this one, lest I end up finding myself halfway through the questions with only twenty minutes left.
I had a coke today. I'm kind of disappointed in myself for that, but I needed a bit of a pick-me-up and thought that would do the job. In actual fact, it didn't, because after four months without coke today's experience taught me that actually coke isn't really all that nice.
These are, apparently, rabbits. Permit me a "what the fuck?!"