The man shot by police in the London subway system during the second string of attempted bombings has turned out not to be a bomber. He was a Brazilian who apparently ran because his visa expired. When police caught him he was shot 8 times. Now the family is sueing the British police! Why are they even ginving this case a chance in court
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And i hate this paranoid theeory of the govenremtn is only telling lies. We need out police and governemnt thats the only reason mankind has prospered! Its called a society, a civilaiztion!
More people may be dieing of hunger...but thats natural. this is a war. The nemies are not as clear as a German soldier in WW2 they look like everyday people.
And sure you can stop a running supect from escpaing without deadly force. BUT THIS ISNT AN EVERYDAY SITUATION! The scenario at which the police had tro react is under enourmus pressure. They mnade the safest decision....sure now it doesnt seem like it but it coul;d have been much worse if he was a bomber. Its not like terroist were uniforms!
Id like to know...if im so misled.....what qualifies you to make better decisions and judgement? Alll I see you talkign about is paranoya and mindless nonsense!
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