Just read an
interesting article in the
New York Times about how the western United States in drying out. While we are in exceptional drought here in NC, the west has it even worse than us. They're growing very fast and have no more water to spare. My guess is that within 5-10 years (maybe sooner), water will become the big hot button topic in the US. We can get by without oil if we have to (even though it would be very hard), but humans cannot live without water.
jpportz remarked to me, "I think what this means is that fundamentally, we need to figure out how to get more people to move back to the northeast and midwest cities, where water (for now at least), isn't a major problem."
Article abstract:
The Future Is Drying UpBy JON GERTNER
Published: October 21, 2007
The West is the fastest-growing part of the country. It’s also the driest. And climate change could be making matters much, much worse.