Farscape Land Holiday Graphics Exchange!

Oct 08, 2011 09:10


This will be an anonymous exchange! Sign up and we'll get back to you in a couple weeks with your assignment. Because of this, please leave an email address that you check regularly or specify that you want to get your assignment via pm. Comments have been screened, but if you have a question just comment with it and we'll get back to you.

THIS IS NOT LIMITED TO FARSCAPE_LAND MEMBERS! Please spread the word, anyone can join in! This post is unlocked.

Things allowed:

Icons, wallpapers, sig tags, headers, gifs, gif sets. When requesting, be as generic or as specific as you want! You can leave episode names, characters, pairings, even scenes. If you want to include links to caps, go ahead; just be aware that the person making your gifts will be allowed some creative license, too.

If you have size specifications for headers, wallpapers, or sig tags, please leave them. Icons should, by default, be 100x100 and under the 40k livejournal limit.

- Icon sets need to be 10 icons, minimum. More than that is fine, we just don't want any less!
- For icons, you can always look at the icons that your recipient already has to figure out what style they like!
- Do not post your finished graphics anywhere.

Sign Up

Here's the sign up box. Note that we ask for multiple requests just to give the person that gets your name a variety.

Livejournal username:
Email address:

Willing to make: (icons or large graphics, if you're willing to do a mix, as well as preferred characters)
Not willing to make: (Any characters/styles/pairings you do not want to make)

Requests: (Be as specific as you'd like - you're also welcome to leave caps, episodes, character names, pairings, etc.)

Sign-ups will remain open through October 22. If you wish to participate after that, I'm sure we'll need pinch hitters! We don't want to turn anyone away, we just need to set a deadline so that we can send out assignments promptly.

Your finished gifts will be due no later than December 20. Further instructions on how to submit your finished gifts will be delivered via email, with your assignment.
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