My list...

Sep 14, 2011 12:02

Top Five Muppets That Would Have Fit in Well in the Farscape Universe

1. Pepe the King Prawn

Moya's prone to the occasional odd infestation, right? Well, I'm not sure that you can really count one king prawn as an infestation but I'm pretty sure Pepe would enjoy the new digs. He's just slick and scheming enough to fit in with the motley crew - Crichton would come up with a plethora of nicknames, Aeryn would use him for target practice, and Pilot would form an unlikely friendship born of commiseration about being multi-armed, and, of course, Pepe the King Prawn would have one almighty game of hide and seek trying to avoid becoming another meal for Rygel.

2. Miss Piggy

It would be the weirdest love triangle the Uncharted Territories has ever seen - love at first sight for Rygel when he lays eyes on the pig with the ego to match her snout.

Miss Piggy, of course, would only have eyes for Crichton, earning her instant hatred from Aeryn. Crichton would resort to Kermit-like lengths to try and avoid, evade, and discourage the attention but Miss Piggy would use all of those cunning oinky wiles to trap him.

(And where is Kermit during all of this, you ask? You might want to ask Chiana.)

I'm not actually sure how the episode would end, but most likely it would be with Moya starbusting away leaving Miss Piggy behind but entirely open to another guest spot in the next season.

3. Crazy Harry

Come on, do I even need to explain this? I mean, okay, Crais was kind of nasty in the first season, and Scorpius was all kinds of badass mind-frellery in the second and third seasons, but even he mellowed by season four once you knew his agenda and that he needed Crichton alive.

Which means that season five would have needed an entirely new kind of nemesis, and what better way to accomodate a shift in tone than to make it less "Crichton I'm going to kill you" and more "I am utterly crazyface and just like blowing shit up." One day Crazy Harry is happily assisting Gonzo in his cannoball act, one small thing goes wrong and suddenly he's missing a few brain cells and the mental wires don't quite connect like they should.

Plus, Crichton would never get "I'm Just Wild About Harry" out of his head.

4. Johnny Fiama

Even renegades need some entertainment, and we've seen it proven that the crew of Moya make occasional pleasure stops. Johnny Fiama could easily be found on one of these pleasure planets, crooning up a storm and liberally indulging in raslak, on the rocks, in the establishment that he most likely owns and runs some sort of seedy underground business out of. Chiana would be lured in by the dulcet tones and sense potential for some mischief, both in and out of the sheets. The episode would likely end with some sort of comedic chase through the bar with D'argo wielding a Qualta blade and Johnny screaming like a girl.

5. Animal

What would you get if you bred a Luxan and a Hynerian?

(I just want to pause right there to make sure you're picturing that mating process. Are you? Really? Good, now explain it to me.)

But I'm pretty what you'd end up with... would be Animal. Just the right blend of genetics to get the stature of a Hynerian with the hair and coloring and brow structure of a Luxan. The resemblance is not just the physical aspects, either; Animal seems to have the appetite of a Hynerian, the temper of a Luxan in hyper rage, and social skills... well, actually, he's probably on par with both of them.
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