Wow, I guess You guys haven't seen one of these in a while...

Sep 21, 2004 21:16

Yeah yeah I know..I haven't updated in a while but it wasn't my fault. Last week I had this wonderful entry typed up it was funny and you all would have loved it...except I opened a favorite website without opening a new browser window so I lost it all...yeah yeah stupid I know.

well Tag day is where I left off I think...well anyways that got me 72 dollars for my band account. A success isn't it?? Bergman wouldn't let us play our instruments at Giant but this one customer asked for a private performance so I played the woodwind feature in the opener for him. He gave us 20 bucks :) take that Mr. Bergman!

W.E. is going great. He's got this really hard French turn-of-the-century piece that he's thinking about. On Friday Elena wasnt there so it was just me an Matt, and when teh dude wrote it he wrote the first parts really really hard and the rest of it is all easy support for the first parts. And I could play it! Matt congratulated me and said that he'd never sat next to someone he could hear when sightreading..or something to that effect..all I know is that it meant Elena has some competiton for chair auditons commin' up. teeheehaa j/k I'll be lucky to stay 3rd, but I think I can do it...if I ever find time to practice 'mutter' school work sucks'mutter'

And that brings me to my next wonderful subject..SCHOOL! AP History stinks. My history teacher is 24 and my English teacher is 27 and I dunno..but its not the learning environment that I do my best in. Im struggling in a D on that quiz but I'm confident about the test tomorrow. Maybe once all the reading and stuff calms down and band doesn't take up much of my time. I swore that I could remember everything from last year...and that yearlong project thing is so confusing, but I think I'm making it that way. Go me. English..well we just started to get seroius about it, up until now the focus has been on history, but we read Oedipus again. Good thing too cause I didn't have time to actually read it so I just took what I remembered from last year (the first time we read it) and worked off that. I think the essay will be watch it not be.blah

Latin, latin, latin. I love the language but I'm not sure if I'll like Latin 2. Mrs Guppy's all cool and stuff I really like her but the basic course is just different from Latin 1. Lat1 was all about the grammar and this year its all about the ending, which any self-respecting latin student (haha Mr. Stallings) would know is really hard. A lot harder than "magnum baculum habeo"(lol Will). Chunking sentences is a waste of time but it helps. So ChunkChunkChunkChunkChunkChunkChunkChunkChunkChunk Latin students!

HONORS CHEM!! whoot woot whos got an A? I tell you...I HAVE AN A and I'm really excited to cause it wont be that way for long.

Drivers ED is a pain in the butt...especially since I dont have my permit yet which makes it really irritating when he says "next time you go out driving..."

Im goin' to Blacksburg on Friday..get to leave early from school. miss drivers ed and the stupid "article friday" thing. grrr. my steering wheel is gross by the way but I dont care. Kristen is going too so I'll ahve someone cool to hang aroudn instead of Justin's roomate, Brandon. Even though I've already met him and hes pretty cool.

well that's about it. I'm sick and I need to get my rest
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