Another decision needed!

May 22, 2012 03:34

I have commenced writing the revamped gender-switching, although I'm still faffing about with fem!Shin's name. That's okay, I can get one, maybe two chapters out before I really have to decide.

Instead, I have another subject I wish your opinions on! And that is...

High school or college?

I was debating changing the ages a bit as I was writing, so a small sample of what might be preferred might help the standstill. College would allow me a more open, mature setting, but high school fits the almost shoujo manga style the original story was conceived with. I'm honestly equal towards either, so I have no problems going either way.

To avoid yet another monotonous poll, just weigh in with your choice in the comments! Feel free to debate as well.

For those waiting on IF, don't worry, it's been open in a word processor for quite some time and being added to. Chapter 16 has just turned out to be plot-heavy and hard to write so it's been taking forever and I'm being ludicrously picky. It should, however, be out within the month if not less.

gender-switching, fic planning

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